Lee, an officer of exceptional indolence and bombast whose incompetence likely lengthened the campaign by months.
Mr Gonzales will probably fight terror much as his predecessor did, though with less bombast.
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But such bombast is now wearing thin as orders for the new Airbus roll in.
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Later explosions and pauses hint at Arcade Fire-esque bombast, but they're not as dramatic.
He has always sought change, preferring discussion and thought to posturing and bombast.
Nevertheless, if you look beyond the hoopla and the bombast at the conventions, a real story will be going on.
These wines appeal to those who prefer the delicate tones of a string quartet to the bombast of a Beethoven symphony.
Comments from the presumed front-runners lean toward less bombast and more diplomacy.
Every pundit and every politician feels every bit of bombast is justified.
But Biden has never let facts get in the way of bombast.
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Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie also called for a retraction of the comments saying Mr Salmond seemed to have a monopoly on "bombast, arrogance and conceit".
Tall, blondish Robert Dudley even looks kind of like his namesake hero from The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, though with none of the bombast.
But while Blanchett gives a stirring performance in the role, director Joel Schumacher cannot resist saddling his biopic with the usual Hollywood sentiment and bombast.
One gets the sense that the musical bombast that blasts the story along is of much greater importance to the composer than the characters are.
If you love Yankees-Red Sox bombast, Tampa's an irritating third wheel.
Carney's faith in this simple human connection is a gentle but firm rebuke to the bombast and overkill that infects even the best of today's blockbusters.
Partly, that was sensible politics - the public dislike bombast.
His final campaign speech, for example, seethed with nationalistic bombast.
Ms Smith called on Education Secretary Mike Russell to "cut through all the shameful bombast last few months" and to call on the finance secretary to reverse the cuts.
The internet's erasure of geography lets people have a flutter without having to leave their living-rooms for the Bellagio's bombast or the shabbiness of the local dive (see article).
But instead of pairing that vocal style with the musical bombast of that era, School of Seven Bells creates backing tracks that owe more to Cocteau Twins-style atmospherics and shoegazer drones.
The special effects rely less on credibility than on bombast, and the whole project is so dumb, ill-written, and condescending that it may become counterproductive, with viewers fleeing the cinema and vowing never to recycle again.