• NationsBank gives bonuses based on a companywide recognition program, but it balked at a year-2000-specific bonus plan because of the inevitably high turnover in IT, according to Bob Large, executive director of year-2000 projects at NationsBank, in Charlotte, N.

    CNN: Managers turn away from retention bonuses for Y2K

  • But in his world, which is not the world occupied by most people, it is the trimmings around the basic pay - the bonus scheme and the long-term incentive plan - that are the real and substantial remuneration meal.

    BBC: RBS chairman gives up ?1.4m shares reward

  • This figure includes base salary, bonus and long-term incentive plan payouts, and the value realized from stock option exercises and other benefits.

    FORBES: Fuld

  • He expanded the bonus pool, created a stock-option plan and goaded the Swiss unions into accepting performance-based incentives even for entry-level workers.

    FORBES: Reviving Novartis

  • The leader of the opposition Socialist Party said the bonus plan was scandalous and BNP's lowest-paid employees protested outside its headquarters.

    ECONOMIST: Bankers' pay and the French

  • And the Unger Report eight-point plan for cutting back on oil involves a bonus ninth point, just sit in your car and listen to NPR until your battery dies.

    NPR: Eight Steps to Reducing Pain at the Pump

  • It's a plan with the bonus that less lighting means a cut in harmful CO2 emissions - and town halls are obliged by law to reduce waste.


  • The new rules shouldn't affect a 2004 bonus paid in 2005--assuming, that is, it's part of a grandfathered plan that doesn't run afoul of tricky grandfathering rules.

    FORBES: Strings Attached

  • Chambers put in a bonus plan that rises or falls by 30%, based on how many of your peers--up to six people, who thoroughly rate you in six areas--see you as a team player.

    FORBES: Technology

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