Rare early work by Cornwall's Daphne du Maurier has been found by a local bookseller.
As an actress and a bookseller, Topkis was motivated more by love than money.
Abebooks, the world's largest online used-bookseller, found that Agitator's performance reports changed their programmers' behavior.
Mr Trimble is also suing the Internet bookseller Amazon for distributing the book in Britain.
This fall, the American Bookseller Association launches a new Web site, Booksense.com, letting 1, 100 indies sell on-line.
This is a very bad sign for the continued viability of the device business struggling bookseller.
FORBES: Giving Away the Nook: Barnes & Noble Getting Desperate?
Books: Join a bookseller's loyalty club, and you can often save 30% or more on new releases.
In July, the bankrupt bookseller announced plans to close all of its stores and shut down.
FORBES: Beyond Borders: Kobo Moves On With New E-Readers And Indie Bookstores Pact
Now one of the first copies will be up for grabs at London bookseller, Peter Harrington.
FORBES: For Sale: Lord Byron's Copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (UPDATED)
However, the biggest threat to Amazon may come from another kind of on-line bookseller that caters to a specialist audience.
If you can't wait that long, you'll also be able to download it directly from the bookseller's site.
Or so argued the stock market when it sent Amazon's software version of a bookseller to the top.
Bookseller Waterstones, which has more than 300 stores in the UK, announced a partnership with Amazon in May.
Beleaguered bookseller BKS made its entry into the e-reader category with the Nook.
FORBES: E-Reader Options Plays On Apple, Amazon, Barnes & Noble
Amazon.com, the biggest Internet bookseller, now lists over 200 books on the subject.
For the fourth year in a row, membership has increased in the American Bookseller Association, the independent stores' trade group.
In June the troubled bookseller tapped Bennett LeBow, its largest shareholder as well as it chairman, to be chief executive.
John Rowe of Notting Hill Books, a local bookshop, scoffs at the notion that a real-life bookseller could afford it.
Separately, the firm also announced a link-up with Borders, in which Amazon will take over its rival bookseller's online operations.
Lord Stevenson, who presided as chairman of HBOS throughout its 8-year existence, is currently a non-executive director at the bookseller Waterstone's.
Lord Stevenson, who presided as chairman of HBOS throughout its eight-year existence, is currently a non-executive director at the bookseller Waterstone's.
"Certainly the strong e-book growth has taken the tarnish off the otherwise tricky market, " said Philip Jones, editor of The Bookseller.
In 41 years as a bookseller, the author has cultivated a collection that values the interesting over the rare or pricey.
Why should the corner bookstore be taxed, they ask, when an online bookseller gets to hawk their wares virtually tax free?
Today, authors usually receive less than 10% of book-sales revenue, with the rest split roughly evenly between the bookseller and the publisher.
One Mexican bookseller is doing a brisk trade with piles of Doris Lessing novels, books on Yoga and even Alan Greenspan's autobiography.
Starting in November, the high-tech company will compete with online bookseller Amazon.com.
Follow-up The Solar System won a Bookseller digital innovation award last year.
BBC: Ebooks: Is digital opening up a new chapter for publishing?
Borders, the number two bookseller in the United States, lost one of its own stores that was located in the World Trade Center.