Over the last ten years Brazil has benefited from a commodity boom, but that boom is slowing.
You know, these kids are in the middle of the boom of the baby boom.
Hanson argues that American growth was driven by an export boom, but no such boom occurred.
No state illustrates this pattern of boom, bust and forced boom better than California.
Then, boom after boom shook the ground, sending giant black clouds over the fields.
So far, of course, the tablet boom has been little more than an iPad boom.
"We heard the boom, boom, boom -- like a series of gunshots, " said Clark.
The "Boom-Boom Room" itself was a basement room at the Garden City branch, where brokers partied.
If it comes from the boom in Chinese investment spending, then the boom could continue.
But the capital B boom investors have grown accustomed to is more of a lower case boom.
One thing, he didn't say boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom with a base drum.
With the number of elderly Americans set to double by 2030, the baby boom will become a senior boom.
Boston largely missed the boat on the boom in information technology, but hasn't missed the green boom by any measure.
The IT revolution, stock market boom, productivity boom, rebirth of optimism, renaissance of entrepreneurship--all lay in the future in 1982.
It's clearly a boom time - it was a boom time at least through early 2006 in terms of house prices.
Right now at least 174, 000 feet of boom have been deployed, and other boom will be deployed at six staging areas.
One particular cure that is discussed leaves one asked whether the next boom in travel might be a sonic boom from Boeing.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
And early on the governors were very concerned about protecting their resources with boom, and we put a lot of boom out.
Some of them have actually gone from price boom to price bust to boom again, all within the span of a decade.
And if you empowered the Hispanics, the cultural and economic boom that would follow would dwarf the Internet boom of the late 90s.
The industriousness of the elderly has little to do with a jobs boom and more to do with the baby boom, she argues.
ECONOMIST: Are 5.1m Americans missing from the unemployment figures?
The UK may have become too dependent in the boom years on retail expenditure that was in part fuelled by an unsustainable housing boom.
While prosperous Portland is the centre of a high-tech boom, that boom has bypassed poorer rural communities reeling from downturns in logging and agriculture.
ECONOMIST: And, despite ever-expanding waistlines, it is not alone
In the end, around 5, 000 fans turned out to hear the band's hits, including Let's Get It Started, My Humps and Boom Boom Pow.
It has ridden the DVD boom ever since its sound patents were mandated into the DVD standard in the mid-1990s, but that boom is over.
Discover magazine states that current designs produce a sonic boom that is only 1.6 percent the loudness of a sonic boom created by the Concord.
FORBES: Is The Next Boom In Travel A Sonic Boom From Boeing?
Together they have written "Thailand, Economy and Politics" (Oxford University Press 1995), "Thailand's Boom" (Silkworm Books 1996) and "Thailand's Boom and Bust" (Silkworm Books 1998).
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | 'People Are Tired of this IMF Mantra of Reform'
Obama also backs the natural gas drilling boom brought about by hydraulic fracturing, but that boom is also responsible for releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
This has continued unabated during the boom dot-com years, year 2000 non-problem, through the 2001 -2003 technology recession and finally through the recent boom and bust.
In the US, exploitation of shale gas boom has sent energy prices tumbling, and the Prime Minister has expressed hopes that the UK can enjoy a similar boom.