Before the cold war ended, only three small African countries were proper democracies: Botswana, Mauritius and Senegal.
Edna Wilhermina Swaniker started a school in Botswana and has been an educator for 29 years.
Khupe said some victims were traveling to Botswana and other neighboring countries for treatment.
Zibani Maundeni of the University of Botswana says that indigenous Tswana culture has helped.
Like South Africa's rulers next door, Botswana's have yet to face a serious political rival.
Others are active in hotel, road and other big construction, notably in Botswana and South Africa.
ECONOMIST: Booming Chinese interest in Africa is not just about oil
They married again the following year in Botswana, but it lasted only until the following summer.
"Rudisha is my role model, " said 18-year-old Nijel Amos of Botswana, who took silver.
Festus Mogae, the president of Botswana, has said that the virus threatens his country with extinction.
And manufacturing wages in Botswana are less than a third of those in South Africa.
Botswana's own unions, still in their infancy, are much less confrontational than their South African counterparts.
In Botswana and Namibia there have been a few diamond-polishing factories backed by De Beers.
The reason that aid has worked in Botswana but not in Zambia is simple.
Due to stringent conservation measures from the Botswana government, poaching has never been a problem in Chobe National Park.
Also rating better than the U.S. were countries like Botswana, Colombia and South Africa.
Mugabe said Western nations and neighboring Botswana were against the formation of an inclusive government in Zimbabwe.
CNN: Opposition leader threatens to halt Zimbabwe unity talks
Toward the Cape, promising turns in Botswana, Mauritius, Namibia and South Africa provide a bit of hope.
Botswana is cognisant of a section of the law that says one is innocent until proven guilty.
The latest story is that the Google camera car might have killed a donkey in Botswana.
The countries involved in the opera are Botswana, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, India, Australia and Scotland.
Israel did not cooperate with the U.N. three-person mission, whose members are from France, Pakistan and Botswana.
The reasons for the current flight into Botswana go back to Namibia's war against South African occupation.
Botswana, which shares a border with Zimbabwe, has given Tsvangirai refuge from the political turmoil in recent weeks.
CNN: Opposition leader threatens to halt Zimbabwe unity talks
Many of the safari camps in ever-popular South Africa and Botswana are low-density properties that fill up quickly.
But Brazil, Namibia, Malaysia, Botswana, Trinidad and Tobago and Mauritius continued to enjoy visa-free access for short visits.
Quite: after adjusting for the way that Botswana drives English style, on the left, the story become clear.
Until that time, there had been only four functioning multi-party democracies in Africa: Botswana, Senegal, Gambia and Mauritius.
McCall Smith is best known for his No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series, which is set in Botswana.
They are also geographically diverse with founders joining from China, Botswana, Spain, India, and Mexico, among other destinations.