Every day, random people came up to her and her boyfriend wanting to chat.
Goody had children Bobby, five, and Freddie, four, with former boyfriend and TV presenter Jeff Brazier.
Miss Mwangi and her boyfriend - who are both black - claim the attack was race-related.
One recent week, Schmitz told Franklin to skip practice to get ready for her boyfriend's prom.
The men I spoke to, including my boyfriend of eight years, thought I was nuts.
Nana and Lili often joked that Huong treated me as if I were her boyfriend.
Thomas Aldred, 24, of Preston, the ex-boyfriend of Disley's daughter, Laura, was also cleared.
Sarah Allen (it's OK, she really is a woman) writes about her boyfriend Kelly.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Leslie, Kerry, Kim, Vivian, Tracy write
And then, when I had my first boyfriend, I realized maybe it's not for me.
But the prosecution disputed that Ms Mills had a dissociative episode when she stabbed her boyfriend.
Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend is a 99 cent solution to that question.
"It's not easy when your boyfriend says he doesn't remember you, " she said later.
More than a year after Huston's disappearance, a former boyfriend pleaded guilty to her murder.
"It is worse than in-flight food, or at a cheap college cafeteria, " exclaimed her boyfriend.
But what happens when the gossip is about you or your boyfriend or your kid?
" She is "a happy grandmother" with a boyfriend, and she is "very joyful.
My boyfriend reaches his hand out to calm him and Lamby lunges, biting him.
My boyfriend nods, a good sport with a long red scratch on his forearm.
Or so I say to my boyfriend when he rolls his eyes the way he does.
Maria Jimenez of San Antonio was infected with regular tuberculosis in 2011 by an ex-boyfriend.
My mother once giving me some excellent advice about a boyfriend I was obsessing over.
Would you then insist that her boyfriend pays for more of her extravagant living?
The boyfriend of a missing Swindon nightclubber has appealed for information to help find her.
As a teenager, she never had a best friend, a boyfriend or a date.
She says one customer told her that her boyfriend said it made her look old.
It's like seeing Angelina Jolie on the street and yelping "CLOONEY OWNS YOUR LIVE-IN BOYFRIEND!"
Lehane's story features the boyfriend-girlfriend private eye team of Patrick Kenzie and Angie Genarro.
Berry also has a daughter, Nahla, 5, with her ex-boyfriend, Canadian model Gabriel Aubry.
CNN: Halle Berry on pregnancy: 'Biggest surprise of my life'
She lives in an apartment outside the factory with her boyfriend, who also works at Longhua.
Internally searing at how unromantic the gift was, she looked up to find her boyfriend beaming.