That was the day Netscape sailed its IPO, based on numbers bracketed by parentheses.
Some critics have bracketed his work with the magical realist novels of his fellow Colombian, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Skyrider also has been paid to load studio content, like rap videos bracketed with ads, onto unauthorized networks.
Both men agreed to provide samples but complained at being bracketed with serious offenders such as rapists and murderers.
Now its neighbour Brazil is bracketed with the world's leaders, while Argentina trails.
He was bracketed at nine-under with, among others, Luke Donald (72), Ernie Els (70), Padraig Harrington (71) and Justin Rose (68).
But with some 250 bracketed pieces of text still being fought over, it seemed doubtful whether this deadline could be met.
Both men agreed to give DNA samples but have complained at being bracketed with serious offenders such as rapists and murderers.
This Super Bowl Sunday, with its football heroes whose televised exploits are bracketed by commercials for beer and corn chips, will be no exception.
But Lebret, 45, whose U.S. tour began seven years ago and has bracketed a spell opening the Far East sales office in Tokyo, is one example of Mouton's worldliness.
Mr Woodley, though, soon became bracketed with what New Labour called "The Awkward Squad", a coalition of union leaders and rebel MPs who opposed some of Tony Blair's industrial policies.
Your first stop should be on the lively harbour where the two town beaches, bracketed between the Templar fortress and the Church of Notre-Dame-des-Anges, provide a view of the hillside town and the boats at sea.
The fairways are bracketed with heather, and then with gorse, so that at the right time of year when everything is blooming, the course becomes a sea of green, purple and yellow that is compounded by the sea, the sand, and some of the most incredible sunsets anyplace.
Existing lines of inquiry into prolonging lifespan are based either on removing the Hayflick limit, which would have all sorts of untoward consequences, or suppressing production of the oxidative chemicals that are believed to cause much of the cellular damage which is bracketed together and labelled as senescence.
ECONOMIST: A way to counteract part of the process of growing old