Meanwhile, now offers a "" service, supposedly based on the science of brain chemistry.
Our spending behavior is the result of our upbringing, our brain chemistry and our current life situation.
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Rather, they suspect that addictive behaviour is the result of the same brain chemistry that helps prevent Parkinson's.
While scientists have discovered a genetic link to depression, others are also looking into brain chemistry for clues to depression.
The scientists raised mice lacking normal gut microflora, then compared their behavior, brain chemistry and brain development to mice having normal gut bacteria.
In addition, Dr Kelley identified long-lasting changes in rats' brain chemistry - similar to those caused by extended use of morphine or heroin.
Dr Hibbeln announced their conclusions on January 17th at a scientific meeting organised in London by the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition.
My doctor explained to me why this made sense: depression and anxiety change the brain chemistry and make it harder for the brain to heal.
But the fixation on brain chemistry is stifling progress, he believes.
We don't have to get into a long-winded debate on whether the Internet is making us more stupid or smarter to understand the basics of brain chemistry.
Mr. Parris, who is also a practicing personal-injury attorney, says he got interested in ways to affect brain chemistry because he wanted to be more persuasive in court.
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"It isn't a huge surprise when you consider many positive effects exercise can have with regards to the brain chemistry: dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, epinephrine -- these are all associated with mood altering effects, " said Dr. Cedric Bryant, the chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise.
Amotivational syndrome causes a change in the chemistry of the brain.
We are evolving in every moment with the chemistry of each sound, sight, thought and emotion that passes through the brain.