My journey began when I was born an Army brat at Fort Sill in Oklahoma.
Why is everyone infatuated with Lindsay Lohan when she seems like a spoiled brat?
One would never suspect that this iconoclast was a self-described "military brat" from Lansing, Mich.
WSJ: A Man Outside His Time | Lebbeus Woods | SFMOMA | By Richard B. Woodward
Chairez, 42, is a Missouri native who grew up in various locales as an Army brat.
At the start, you almost believe her Hedda might just be a high-maintenance brat.
With Michael Lerner, Bebe Neuwirth, Joe Mantegna as a nice guy, and Leonardo DiCaprio as a spoiled brat.
What do I tell her, precocious brat that she is at the age of twelve and a half?
Scott Truitt, who grew up an Air Force brat, launched The Gratitude Campaign a little more than two years ago.
He was typecast as a spoiled brat, and not evaluated fairly as an individual, he said, and he considered choosing another career.
Once, when Mami and I were heading to the Pathmark, we caught sight of my brother in the distance with Pura and the brat.
He spoke of his childhood as a military brat, of his father's heroism in wartime and his mother's own heroics while Dad was away.
Having traversed vast landscapes of race and class, often as a solo traveller, she evinces the discipline and, occasionally, the detachment of an Army brat.
Leaning hard on the sensitive-brat charm of the eleven-year-old Macaulay Culkin, they duplicate and exaggerate every laugh-getting, tearjerking separation and reunion, every crowd-pleasing gibe and gambit.
At her first campaign stop in Wisconsin on February 16, Clinton told an audience at The Brat Stop in Kenosha about her childhood hunting experience.
The young billionaire brat pack could learn a thing or two from dashing 24-year-old German Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis, who is truly living a near fairy-tale existence.
Rapper Da Brat was shocked by Kelly's death.
CNN: Chris Kelly, half of 1990s Kris Kross rap duo, dead at 34
She went on to write seven more crime novels, one of which was adapted and filmed by Alfred Hitchcock, and several of which were adapted for radio and television, including Brat Farrar, The Franchise Affair and The Singing Sands.
Players pick up ranking points for appearances as well as winning, but it is still a remarkable achievement for the former "super brat" of tennis, who is now a respected elder statesman, with his rants a well-packaged part of his act.
Sitting about a half-inch lower on its suspension, and shrouding outrageous 20-inch alloys and Pirelli P Zeros in the wheel wells, the XKR-S looks like what it is: a huge, privileged brat, an upper-class lad with a bad attitude and mouth like a vulcanized black bass.
WSJ: 2013 Jaguar XKR-S Review: A Genteel Tourer Goes Rough-and-Ready | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
Young Dakota Fanning portrays Pita as startlingly smart and touchingly thoughtful, but never the brat she might have been, given her privileged upbringing. (Her American mother is played by Radha Mitchell, her Mexican father by Marc Anthony.) Pita is such a good kid that she wants to floss.
Just as any regular mom might do, Tony's wife pulls a few strings and manages to get the kid's application to Georgetown supported by a high-powered female lawyer posited to have infinite clout at this institution--and, in considering whether to support the brat in question, nervously knows she's dealing with a gangster family.