About 40 firefighters, some wearing breathing apparatus, tackled the flames in the houses in Harwich, Essex.
"Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus used thermal imaging cameras to monitor the temperature of the drum, " he added.
Fire fighters used breathing apparatus to allow them to work in the smoke-filled section of the building.
Firefighters using breathing apparatus practise in the unit to train against phenomena known as flashover and backdraught.
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This meant Mr Shears' breathing apparatus would have "almost certainly" run out before help arrived, the report said.
The first two days, he was incommunicado, lost beneath a breathing apparatus when he was not in surgery.
Firemen, wearing breathing apparatus, dug a hole in the sand and turned the barrel over into the larger container.
The fire service now issues cutters with breathing apparatus and has taken steps to reduce the risk of cabling becoming trapped in the kit.
Six firefighters wearing breathing apparatus tackled the detached garage blaze, which spread to houses on either side of the building, the fire service said.
Crews used breathing apparatus, hose reels and a thermal imaging camera to tackle the fire, which is thought to have started in the communal hallway.
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"Firefighters in breathing apparatus had to combat quite dense smoke and they found the young lady on the first floor of the house, apparently unconscious, " he said.
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Service teams wearing breathing apparatus fought the blaze inside the building, while crews tackled the fire from the outside using large main water jets.
Among its innovations: a sensor that warns firefighters of an impending building collapse, lighter breathing apparatus and a computer chip that monitors firefighters' vital signs inside a burning building.
That SAFER Act and that fire act has provided us significant equipment -- money, funding rather for significant equipment -- face pieces, self-contained breathing apparatus, things of those nature.
Richard Pyle, a Hawaii-based researcher who helped design a breathing apparatus good for 500 feet, says he finds as many as seven new species of fish an hour at that depth.
Before he starts he must put on two sets of protective clothing, four pairs of gloves and a helmet with breathing apparatus, all of which is taped up so that not a particle of skin is exposed.
No one was hurt but the cruise director, John Heald, said later that "the smoke was so intense and so thick that, even with breathing apparatus on, the teams could not get close to the source" of the fire.
Compared to the early polar explorers of the 1900s, Fiennes's team will benefit from some innovative equipment, including boots with electrically-heated insoles, battery-powered heated clothing, radar to spot dangerous crevasse fields and a specially designed breathing apparatus to enable them to survive at temperatures that will regularly reach -70 degrees Celsius and perhaps even lower.