They are supported by Elaine Kempson, Director of the Personal Finance Research Centre at Bristol University.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Interest rates: Does a cap fit?
After submissions by researchers at Bristol University's Innocence Project, appeal judges will hear the case.
Bristol University remained in the top 100, despite slipping down the rankings since 2011.
Last year Oxford received only three applications for each place, whereas Bristol University got 14.
Christine Barter from Bristol University, who led the study, said long-term intervention in schools was also needed.
Studies led by Ron Johnston of Bristol University uncover a clear pro-Labour bias in the present system.
The case was heard again by appeal court judges following submissions by researchers at Bristol University's Innocence Project.
Mr May is now a professor of computer science at Bristol University and chief technology officer at Xmos.
In the 1970s Goodfellow earned a degree in molecular microbiology at Bristol University.
Lewsey initially joined Wasps at 18 but his studies at Bristol University saw him switch to the west country outfit.
At least two of Britain's best university fund-raisers, at the London School of Economics and at Bristol University, are American imports.
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Researchers from Bristol University studied 77 animals in 13 zoos and found that almost half of the elephants displayed abnormal behaviour.
Bristol University research indicated that people's finances were being hit by loss of income and higher heating bills, among other factors.
According to Professor Martin Siegert of Bristol University, the chief scientist of the Lake Ellsworth mission, water is the connection that binds the expeditions.
When 20, 000 turn up to watch Birmingham University's football team or Bristol University rugby matches, then the merchandising route will open up.
Treasury-commissioned research from Bristol University has concluded that consumers are being harmed because of serious problems in the market, our correspondent adds.
The report pinpoints a "bombshell" that occurred in May 1990 when scientists at Bristol University found a BSE-like disease in a cat.
The Bristol University-led team says the record provides a true baseline against which measures to keep the great river clean can now be judged.
The discovery, reported in The Veterinary Record, the journal of the British Veterinary Association, was made by the veterinary pathology unit at Bristol University.
"Some of the animals were born in the zoos and must have developed it there, " said Chris Sherwin, from Bristol University's Department of Veterinary Science.
The former Bristol University student, a citizen of Britain and Australia, was arrested last year in the town of Tachilek, on Burma's border with Thailand.
And recently, research conducted by Professor Stephen Harris from Bristol University and independent scientist Hugh Warwick showed the mammals survived as well after transportation as indigenous populations.
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In a survey of pawnshop customers, Elaine Kempson, from Bristol University's Personal Finance Research Centre, found that over half had pawned possessions to buy daily necessities, including food.
John Hannay, a theoretical physicist at Bristol University, believes he has come up with a three-line proof which shows beyond doubt that Dr Ardavan's mathematics must be flawed.
So how posh does the Bristol university graduate consider herself?
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These discoveries complement those of Karen Spencer at Bristol University.
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Richard Evershed, of Bristol University, in England, and his colleagues, have just published a chemical analysis of what turned out to be a cosmetic foundation cream from Roman London.
In 2001 there were riots that saw confrontations between white and Asian gangs. in 2011, a report by Bristol University found schools in the area remained polarised along racial lines.
The virus was found in 10 cats out of 111 submitted to the Bristol University lab for tests to find more cases of the feline form of mad cow disease.
Stephen Harris, professor of environmental sciences at Bristol University, suggested that rather than escaped big cats or wildcats, the creatures being spotted might be domestic cats that have gone feral.