The BP executives were testifying before a Britishparliamentarycommittee investigating the implications of the Gulf oil disaster on deepwater drilling.
Because it is listed on NASDAQ and subject to Sarbanes Oxley, which requires internal procedures at publicly traded companies to pump out disclosures of material events like those that result in your chief executive being grilled before a Britishparliamentarycommittee.
However an all-party parliamentarycommittee of British MPs at a news conference on Tuesday called for sponsors and drivers to withdraw from the race and for the F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone to cancel it.
British Prime Minister David Cameron told a parliamentarycommittee he hoped to "persuade our European partners" to relax the embargo, which is due to be renewed in May, "but if we can't, then it's not out of the question we might have to do things in our own way".
The phone-hacking accusations have reverberated through the top levels of British politics and journalism, led to the closing of a major tabloid and prompted a parliamentarycommittee to issue damning criticism of Murdoch.