• Its days have been numbered since the collapse of the Berlin Wall coincided with the bursting of Japan's bubble economy.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's election

  • Tsuneo Iida, an economist at Chubu University, claims that the financial mess left after the bursting of Japan's bubble economy was the Americans' fault.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • Greenspan mistakenly believes our once-exuberant stock market meant we were experiencing our version of Japan's 1980s bubble economy.

    FORBES: Fact And Comment

  • Founded in 1875, Toshiba grew fat during Japan's 1980s bubble years, when the economy boomed on the back of land speculation and consumer spending reached dizzy heights.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • But in doing so, Asian institutions need to maintain a cautious conservatism in the face of unfamiliar booms that could so easily go bust, as Japan's bubble-economy bankers have seen.

    CNN: The Asiaweek Financial 500

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