More likely it is corporate buck-passing, designed to help chief executives get around the new rule.
ECONOMIST: Swearing by the numbers
Will there be real investment, or just more buck-passing between federal agencies and states?
BBC: Downtown New Orleans, near the Superdome
Rather than delivering better care it will reinforce the culture of buck-passing and mutual blame.
BBC: MPs attack bed-blocking policies
But this would require the two levels of government to stop buck-passing and get their act together.
There's too much buck-passing when it comes to vulnerable adults or senior citizens.
BBC: Elderly people 'need better protection from abuse'
That buck-passing attempt did little to bolster investor morale.
WSJ: This Year, Davos Doesn't Deliver
"There are real risks that perverse incentives will be created that will undermine partnerships that have taken time to develop and foster an unproductive culture of buck-passing and mutual blame between health and social care, " the report said.
BBC: MPs attack bed-blocking policies
In the event, for all the nastiness, buck-passing and back-biting this mass of material exposes, it only reinforces Mr Pollard's conclusions: that the BBC's lines of accountability were deeply flawed and that members of its lavishly paid and top-heavy management saw it as their priority, in a crisis, to flunk responsibility rather than take it.
BBC: Savile inquiry: Media reaction to BBC transcripts
The alliance- set up after a public meeting against the plans - said Mr Jones's announcement was "an exercise in buck passing that still isn't over".
BBC: Baby incubator