The dog was described as being a brown Staffordshire Bull Terrier with black spots and a heavy build.
The breed of dog has not been confirmed but nearby residents said it looked like a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
The owners of the dog - a Staffordshire Bull Terrier - signed it over to officers to be put down.
Officers have said the main problem on Merseyside is with pit-bull terrier types, but all illegal dogs will be collected.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Merseyside | Merseyside's dogs amnesty begins
An Essex animal charity is making a film to try to improve the image of the Staffordshire bull terrier dog.
BBC: Staffordshire bull terrier image tackled by Essex charity
Holly, a Staffordshire bull terrier, was removed from its kennel in Farmhouse Road, Willenhall, West Midlands, in an attempted burglary.
Kennel Club figures show the number of Staffordshire Bull Terrier registrations have dropped from 11, 000 in 2003 to 6, 000 in 2012.
The breed of dog has not been confirmed but it was said by people in the area to have resembled a Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
Diesel, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, ran away from home in Tottenham, where he was being cared for while his owner holidayed in Clacton, Essex.
Adam is a pupil at West Denton Primary School and has a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Tess - the same breed of dog that attacked him.
BBC: Adam Boyd, with his pet Tess, suffered wounds to his leg
The Princess Royal became the first British royal to have a criminal record when her English bull terrier, Dotty, bit two children in Windsor Great Park.
In Thanet, it is estimated that 90% of dogs rounded up by council wardens are Staffordshire bull terrier-types, while in Medway it is more than one third.
The Brands Hatch branch of Battersea Dogs Home has several Staffordshire bull terrier-type animals, some of them transferred from its London base and others rounded up in Kent.
Mr Kirkman said of the 70 kennels it had, about 65% were taken up by Staffordshire bull terrier or crosses and the number being abandoned was on the rise.
BBC: Staffordshire bull terrier image tackled by Essex charity
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