The GSPCA has been looking after Jethou Bumblebee since November and Hanois since January.
The two mammals were named after the locations where they were found - Jethou Bumblebee and Hanois.
That is important because the exact opposite has been found in the bumblebee, another social insect.
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She was reacting to first-edition Autobots, such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Gears and Cliffjumper.
Guernsey's native bumblebee population is struggling to survive according to an island environmentalist.
The two researchers and their colleagues raised 75 bumblebee colonies in their laboratory.
She's like a bumblebee when she jumps, daintily going from flower to flower.
One neighbor opened his screen door a little too wide and bumped the (highly padded) bumblebee off his front porch.
Just past the Darth Maul made from Legos, next to the booth selling superhero cologne, fans jockey for pictures with Bumblebee.
The director fell in love with the new Camaro concept car and chose it to play the lead role of Bumblebee.
The old airplanes, including a Lockheed Vega 5B, which looks like a fat bumblebee, are the most stirring sights in the movie.
Gardeners are being encouraged to grow striped flowers to encourage bumblebee populations, after research suggested the insects are most attracted to them.
BBC: A bumblebee extracting nectar and pollen from a snapdragon
The book is called : 'The Field Guide to the British Bumblebee'.
Aside from BumbleBee the firm sold out of four other investments in December and still has 60% of its latest fund to put to work.
FORBES: Meet The Men Who Bought And Sold Bumble Bee Tuna...Twice
Jethou Bumblebee was found in November and Hanois rescued in January.
Meanwhile Arctophila superbiens and Arctophila bombiformis, two other hoverfly species, each of which accurately resembles a particular bumblebee species, are restricted in distribution and rare.
The aerodynamics of small things are, however, different from those of larger objects (according to classical theory, for example, a bumblebee should be unable to fly).
The grand prize winner will be picked up by BUMBLEBEE and transported to school where OPTIMUS PRIME will be waiting with TRANSFORMERS toys and products in his trailer.
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In Britain, where better records have been kept, more than half the native bumblebee species either have become extinct or are facing extinction in the next few decades.
The scientists say that growing especially inviting plants could be a way for people to help stem what has been called a "catastrophic" decline in UK bumblebee populations.
BBC: A bumblebee extracting nectar and pollen from a snapdragon
The first comprehensive photographic field guide to the British bumblebee has been written by leading bumblebee authority, Mike Edwards, and Martin Jenner, who was on the programme this morning.
"One of the main reasons bumble bees have been declining over the last 70, 80 years has been changes in the landscape, " explains Dawn Ewing, outreach manager of the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
The Franklin bumblebee, for instance a mostly black bee native to northwest California and southwest Oregon was abundant in 1998, but the following year went into a steep and probably terminal decline.
It's a hell of a flight for a bumblebee... the most likely thing is someone imported a Queen, and they normally come with workers and attendants and they probably had the mites.
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