It was, I mean, that song just reminds me of Saturday mornings, cleaning up, getting laundry ready, making my bed, incense burning, house smelling fresh, sunshine through the window.
NPR: Queen Latifah on 'Trav'lin' Light'
Inside the hangar-like halls, the air is thick with burning incense, the pungent odours of durian fruit and fresh herbs, and the rubbery, plastic smell of a thousand useless trinkets.
BBC: Berlin��s kitschy and flavourful Little Vietnam
Half the Olympic program, on the other hand, was given over to religious ritual: processions, hymn-singing, incense-burning, gory animal sacrifice and strange incantations by exotically attired priests.
WSJ: The Ancient Olympics: Mud, Sex, Hymns...Sports Too
It is nasal bombardment, in a good way: wafts of curry drift in the breeze, cinnamon sings on the sidewalk and many shop owners keep a stick of incense perpetually burning.
BBC: Toronto as a world map