For many years Yusuf Garaad has been running the BBC's Somali Service from Bush House in London.
Javier is now back in Bush House where he is editor and presenter of Enfoque, a news analysis programme that he conceived a few years ago.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Crossing Continents | Javier Lizarzaburu: Biography
And despite the rather short notice, the BBC World Service's Director, Peter Horrocks, took a lead by asking participants in a seminar on media freedom held on May 4th in Bush House, in central London, to stand for a minute's silence.
President Bush is willing to impose his version of airport security by executive order if Congress doesn't pass a bill that allows the federal government to contract with private companies to provide airport and baggage security, a key House GOP ally of the Bush White House told CNN.
Indeed, the Bush-Enron connections are so close, it's hard to tell whether Enron is the house that Bush built or Bush is the house that Enron built.
Doug Sosnik worked in the Clinton White House, and Sara Taylor worked in the Bush White House.
But first, we're going to continue our conversation with former White House political directors Doug Sosnik, who worked in the Clinton White House, and Sara Taylor, who worked in the Bush White House.
But we probably shouldn't have expected such a thing from the Bush White House, anyway.
The Bush White House once again bears no small responsibility for this bipartisan legislative travesty.
The Bush White House wants to assist Colombia in defending a critical 480-mile oil pipeline.
And that was true in the Bush White House, not just the Clinton White House.
The Bush White House is looking for ways to appeal more broadly to Hispanic voters.
No wonder the Bush White House refused to help California solve its energy crisis last Spring.
But, after six years of confrontation with the Bush White House, Democrats are savoring their newfound opportunities.
The Obama campaign, like the Bush White House, prides itself on message discipline and tracks down leakers with a frightening intensity.
He's a former national security advisor in the Bush White House who parted ways with the administration and ended up advising John Kerry's presidential campaign.
The idea is a straightforward one: The Bush White House and Pentagon have made a relatively concerted effort to obtain the funding required for the B-2 Stealth bomber.
"For advanced countries, more imports today are coming from middle- and low-income countries, " says Matthew Slaughter of Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, a former Bush White House adviser.
Mukasey's selection is being seen as a compromise move by the Bush White House, which is not in a position to fight Congress on the attorney general nomination.
Europeans sense too that they may find an Obama administration even more forceful than the Bush White House in demanding that Europe puts more resources and troops into Afghanistan.
The neo-conservatives are fretting that the Bush White House (which, lo and behold, they do not control) seems less than committed to their dream of reshaping the Middle East.
Today, Romney cheerleader and former Bush White House Chief of Staff John Sununu is lambasting Gingrich in New Hampshire for leading a House Republican revolt against that budget deal.
FORBES: Mitt Romney's RINO Austerity Economics Make Him Least Electable
The Bush White House was slow to realise that the Soviet system was falling apart and clung too long to its well-established links with Mikhail Gorbachev, the Soviet leader.
From the Bush White House, they're talking about large-scale technology: oil and gas, nuclear power plants and clean coal research, which will cost billions of dollars and will take years.
Moreover, the Bush White House needs an economic-policy success.
The ex-Fed chief writes that he expected more from the Bush White House, having served alongside Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld when Greenspan was one of President Gerald Ford's economic advisors.
The basic complaint is that the Bush White House puts political ideology over science when writing policy or when determining who sits on advisory panels set up to provide expert input into decision making.
David Frum, a former speechwriter who wrote a more flattering inside account of the Bush White House, suggests that Mr O'Neill, a former boss of Alcoa, exemplifies the dangers of the businessman in politics.
Several senior Bush administration officials said he made no secret of his displeasure with an operational change in the Bush White House that gave him far less access to the president than he enjoyed in the Clinton White House.
Notably silent are the Democrats and media figures who demanded the scalp of a Bush White House aide, Scooter Libby, for leaks by another government official of the cover of a CIA operative who had left the field years earlier.