But hotel buyouts are also proving to be popular in the business world, particularly in the United States.
One of the biggest appeals of Finder's books is his satirical take on the business world.
The second gets both, helps change the business world for the better and retires rich.
This approach, both in college football and the business world, is almost entirely foreign.
FORBES: Boise State Football And The Blueprint For Organizational Greatness
As always, we will deliver what you need to know as the business world hurtles forward.
Local amid the global is what makes this book relevant to the business world, especially entrepreneurs.
Reaching that goal of understanding, of empathy, can mean a big difference in the business world.
FORBES: New Social Network Features Body Language--and Lunch
In the business world, workflow, productivity and collaboration tools can make the difference between staying ahead.
Berger thinks the value of questioning will continue to rise sharply in the business world.
Waste-free is a growing trend both among consumers and also in the business world.
The business world is always evolving in big ways and small (think: mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, etc.).
The misleading misconceptions regarding international business strategy have become more disturbing in the contemporary business world.
FORBES: International Business Strategy: A Journey Of Its Own
In the business world, Fast Data means faster business decisions and faster business actions.
Hagan assembled an investor group that included many leading lights in the Philadelphia business world.
On the plantation in rural Mozambique, it is clear how globalised the business world has become.
Cloud computing is the most exciting development in IT and the business world today.
It just so happens that emotional competencies also translate extremely well to the business world.
Over the past few decades, the business world has undergone foundational change in almost every area.
In the business world, this translates to a deficit of strong, long-lasting relationships with business partners.
FORBES: American Business Needs To Shed Its Paper Tiger Reputation
Equally surprising, though, was how so little neuroscience knowledge had seeped into the business world.
FORBES: Launching A Neuroscience Startup: From MIT To Silicon Alley
Is it possible that there is a place in the business world for difficult bosses?
In a business world where acquisitions, partnerships, and alliances rule, information management is critical.
Anneke holds a mirror up to all of us in the business world in this piece.
This is one transition where I expect much of the business world to miss the move.
Experts in the business world wonder why an executive would relinquish a leadership role.
CNN: From pope to politician, when do you know it's time to go?
Here again, a simple idea from the business world offers parents a clear path.
Over the past few years, this time management system has taken the business world by storm.
Then it occurred to me how often age-related thought bubbles crop up in the business world.
Yet Keynote still acknowledges that Powerpoint is the dominant presentation software in the business world.
Never before in history has the business world had such time shortages and job complexity.