Can they bust up the family fortune without the IRS finally breaking down their doors?
Passionate Devonian Paul Turner, who runs a "Celtic Devon" website, believes the bust up is down to the Cornish "feeling threatened" by Devon's new Celtic pride.
There were also newspaper reports that Laws had a bust up with striker Robbie Blake after he was substituted during the 6-1 defeat by Manchester City in April.
He said I'm going to bust up the Reagan coalition of people who care about the Second Amendment and taxes and the First Amendment on campaign finance reform and tax issues.
And the reason no one knows is because there is a major debate - and that probably means another huge bust up - between the US, the UK and the EU over precisely that.
Pritzker's grandchildren were considering the sale of Hyatt (see "Shaking The Family Tree") as part of a plan to bust up their collective fortune, sources told us that bankers--one said specifically that he had spoken with bankers from Goldman Sachs--were talking up a potential Hyatt IPO.
So far as a stock, Google is a big bust, up just 4 percent this year.
If you're a Tory MP this bust-up is about Labour playing childish games yet again.
But the agenda ranged rather wider than that in what MPs describe as a major bust-up.
Few were more dismayed than Denmark by Britain's bust-up with its EU partners in December.
Yet even if a bust-up can be averted, it would only postpone the reckoning.
And a bust-up in Copenhagen would make it harder to get legislation passed next year.
ECONOMIST: How to get negotiations on the right track for a deal
Each year seems to bring at least one serious bust-up over Academy nominations.
What do you say we bust it up into three separate companies: Windows, Office and Web Ventures?
Microsoft's statement revealing the news has done nothing to dampen the rumours of a bust-up at the top.
After a bust-up with Patrice Evra following Anelka's expulsion, Domenech left the France captain out of the team to face South Africa.
Mr Cameron's timing and tactics may have failed, but there was an inevitability about a bust-up between Britain and its EU partners.
First, though, the coalition must avoid a Lords-related bust-up that would result either in a minority Tory government or a general election.
ECONOMIST: Reforming the House of Lords: The coalition��s millstone | The
They fear a bust-up will radicalise their already-turbulent southern and eastern neighbourhoods.
Downing Street insists the bust-up between the prime minister and his deputy over press regulation does not spell the end for the coalition government.
He had been sent to the stand at Livingston earlier in the season after a touchline bust-up, but he was let off the hook.
Many believe the catalyst for the rift between Ferguson and Van Nistelrooy was a reported training ground bust-up between the player and team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo.
Dabo had to go to hospital in May 2007 after a training ground bust-up with Joey Barton left him unconscious and with a bruised eye.
Potentially the most damaging bust-up involves the rail regulator, Tom Winsor.
Wasps finished seventh in the Guinness Premiership table and were disappointing in the Heineken Cup, while Cipriani was also involved in a training ground bust-up with team-mate Josh Lewsey.
He broke a 48-hour curfew to visit a curry restaurant in December 2011 before a game against Chelsea, which was quickly followed by a training-ground bust-up with teammate Micah Richards.
There'd already been a bust-up before Welsh MPs turned up for the Westminster Hall debate on the Assembly's electoral arrangments - and they arrived in the mood for another one.
Colonel Ojukwu, too, had foreseen the likelihood of bust-up.