He is not only a great statesman and a great public servant, but also a great friend and a great counselor.
Canada is not only our largest trading partner but also a great friend.
And I want to thank, once again, His Majesty for being not only a leader in the region but also being a great friend of the United States.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with King Abdullah of Jordan | The White House
"Everyone at Dundee United is devastated by the loss of someone who was not only our chairman but also a very close and inspirational friend, " said a statement on the club website.
At a time when the world is descending into recession, when fabulous new technologies are emerging and when the spirit of capitalism is under renewed assault, we are going to miss not only a warm friend but also an individual whose sense of discovery and sound judgment are sorely needed.
Not only did I view her promotion as adding another layer of bureaucracy to our department, but I also felt like I was losing a friend.
Mr. Gates said Mr. Obama's decision to continue the missile strikes had been communicated to the Pakistani government, but Mr. Gates also praised Pakistan as "a friend and partner" and promised the U.S. will help the shaky civilian government in Islamabad.
WSJ: Obama Offers Open Channels to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea
Mr Brown's other son Daniel, 23, was not injured but family friend Ross Hazeldene, also 23, suffered a knife wound.
But maybe we should also come up with a new word that means what the old word friend used to mean.
It also takes time to build online networks through the organic but valuable spread of friend-of-a-friend connections.
CNN: Is Gingrich's 'NewtHampshire' site too little, too late?
But while Jozef Pilsudski, a hero of Mr Kazcynski's who is also buried at Wawel, was another great friend of Polish Jews, he also had a vision of a union of nations.