Special Offer: Make the most out of gold's phenomenal move higher but don't get left holding the bag.
But even if boomers don't want to move right away, their rapid advance toward the ranks of the elderly is having a big effect on the real estate market.
With this approach you may be long-term bullish on a stock but don't think it will make a big move in the short term.
"We're hitting a lot of base hits that move the science but don't mean a lot to patients, " says Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society.
Don't deny them care, but move them out of the children's program so we can focus on children.
"I think markets have still got the capacity to move (up) but I don't think it'll happen in a spectacular or consistent way, " he said.
But don't be deceived: This just might be the smartest move Chief Executive Steve Ballmer has ever made.
"We have a new village, but we don't have all the funding that the village needs to move right now, " said Sally Russell Cox planner with the Alaska division of community and regional affairs.
But what if you don't worship the sun or relish a long-distance move?
But after a period of time, I'll usually move along because I don't want to be in a maintenance capacity.
But I don't want to overplay it, because I think it also is a strategic move, because as you heard, it got a tremendously strong and positive response from the audience, Alex.
But I don't -- I have not been involved in specific discussions about how that would move forward.
Mario Siano, watch manager at Great Yarmouth Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, said: "I don't want Yarmouth to close, no-one does, but you've got to move with the times and be at the best value for taxpayers".
Under the program, the BOJ buys not only government bonds, but also corporate bonds, equity and real-estate funds, a move other major central banks don't employ.
"The stock market will digest the move today and then probably take a breather, but in the short term I don't see it falling very far as there are no incentives for a sell-off, " said Hideyuki Ishiguro, senior investment strategist at Okasn Securities in Tokyo.
We don't know the scale of that inquiry or what that will entail, but the EU says it will move forward with its own inquiry.