Automated external defibrillators were applied to 137 patients, but usually inappropriately, the researchers found.
Azithromycin and other antibiotics play an important part in modern medicine but are often used inappropriately.
His work was hardly recognized when he was alive, partly due to his own intransigence in presenting it inappropriately, but also due to the rigid mindset of the time, which refused to see its genius.
It's a very difficult task, but you don't do things inappropriately.
In its report on the wider status of waiting lists, Audit Scotland concluded that in a small number of cases patients had been inappropriately marked as unavailable for treatment, but it could not say whether these were deliberate.
In its most recent report, Audit Scotland said that, in a small number of cases patients were inappropriately marked as unavailable for treatment, but could not say whether these were deliberate because of a lack of information available.
So far, the beta service is limited to three corporate partners all of whom have promised not to behave inappropriately with the shared user data but the feature is slated to be expanded over time.
The number of people taking out an IVA has increased fourfold since 2003, but there is evidence that in some cases they are being sold inappropriately to people who may not be able to afford them.
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"Regarding the planned peaceful satellite launch, should others apply a double standard or inappropriately interfere with our rights, we would have no choice but to respond, " Mr. Ri said, without elaborating.
Citigroup says it has no reason to believe that this information has been used inappropriately, nor has it received any reports of unauthorized activity, but wants to make customers aware of the problem and provide them with suggestions on how to protect their identity.
You're not being judged at office parties in most cases but you will be scrutinized if you drink too much alcohol, make off-color remarks, dress inappropriately (casual-Friday attire is safe) or behave in a manner that wouldn't fit in your workplace.
WSJ: 'Don't Cleat the Boss' and Other Tips to Manage the Summer Office Picnic