That's possible, but not likely, says David Harrison, a professor at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, who helped lead the study.
If the planet does harbor liquid water today, it would have to be deep below the surface, perhaps peeking out in a few special places, but not likely to be seen by Curiosity, Squyres said.
So, works for the Manning family, but not very likely for the rest of us.
FORBES: Back to School: Deductions for Soccer, Cheerleading and Extracurricular Activities?
Lying on the form is, but not one likely to motivate a prosecution, absent other troubling factors.
The message from The Messenger is that he is comfortable with his past, but still not likely to repeat it.
As you could probably figure out from the title, it's not radio friendly, but likely not because of what you may think.
The winner will be selected by 2000, but is not likely to be formally announced until 2001 after a public comment period, according to Smid.
CNN: U.S. government to set new standard for advanced encryption
This latter would be easily done but not be likely effective.
FORBES: After ECB And G7 Commit To Intervene Markets, Will Bernanke Enact QE3?
Again, this is possible but not as likely.
FORBES: Roth IRA Conversion 2012: Roth Calculator for Mr. Average
Right now, some fear mongers are taking advantage of raw nerves to sell products based on that fear of the markets that might benefit the person selling them but are not likely to serve the buyer well at all.
Twitter had not replied to Forbes as of press time, but is likely not to have a comment, either.
FORBES: Saudi Billionaire Alwaleed Reportedly Interested In Twitter Stake
Not impossible but, unfortunately, not likely either.
FORBES: What Would We Need To Achieve Persistent 5% Growth In U.S.?
But that will not likely be enough to prevent investors from moving on to greener pastures.
That may be, but it is not likely, and it is certainly not desirable.
But that would not likely yield a finding of fact that would support your personal conclusion.
FORBES: Marco Rubio: There's 'No Scientific Debate On The Age Of The Earth'
But that is not likely to happen with Shajiao C, which has encountered turbine vibration problems.
Getting there may be half the fun but likely not a qualifying expense.
FORBES: Ten Tips For Claiming Summer Camp Expenses On Your Taxes
There might be some alternatives to coal, but they are not likely to completely replace coal use in India.
FORBES: Ali Conf: Consumer Electronics Use Of Aluminum Growing Strongly - Alcoa
If Congress thought the discussions could be revived, it might consider renewing the president's trade-negotiating authority, but this is not likely.
But that is not likely to do much to stop the steep increase in the price of gasoline at the filling station down the street.
But it would not likely have spread the disease, since USDA regulations prohibit high-risk parts of the cow, such as brains and spinal cords, from entering the food chain.
Judge Nelson may lift the lockout for the Players this week but will likely not open the NFL for business while the NFL appeals, which may take a while.
But it is not likely to be enough to ease the public anger with politicians for enforcing the restrictions in the first place, or enough to restore faith in the banking system.
And in keeping things interesting for players, but likely not for the majority of you reading this, Nexon America gave its players a chance to voice their feelings about the world inside of MapleStory.
The duration of the technology wave for real-time analytics may well be infinite in this case, but likely not restricted to one company as with computing speed seems to be commoditized quickly these days.
People are likely (not certain, but likely) to stick with whichever OS they choose as their first smartphone.