Katherine was a good baby: she cried, but only to let you know she hadn't stopped breathing, and it never bothered us much, and it didn't bother the people downstairs at the Student Prince, either.
NPR: Chapter 1
Monroe didn't know she was having a heart attack -- she was only 36 years old -- but she did know she felt as if she had an elephant sitting on her chest.
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That's not to say you should teach her to pursue victory at all costs, but she should know that only one team can win, and it's OK to want it to be hers.
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"The birds know that someone was down there, but don't know two walked on but only one walked off, " she said.
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She was only reluctantly interested in the particulars of the medications, but Oberon wanted to know all about them, and talked incessantly about it, parroting what Beadle and Blork had said or reading aloud from the packets of information that the nurses had given them.
And of course, as readers of the trilogy already know, she ultimately figures out a way not only to cheat that fate, but to win something far bigger and more important, an end to the wicked Games themselves.
FORBES: What's Wrong With 'American Idol' Is What's Right with 'The Hunger Games'