It's very poor but what can I do?
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Celtic | Strachan plays down Boruc remarks
But what I can do is thank INK for taking the time to start building a relationship with someone who writes on its industry.
But what I can do is to speak out forcefully for the principle that we can make these adjustments that are necessary during these difficult fiscal times, but do it in a way that preserves collective bargaining rights.
They don't trust and know in what I can do but I have faith in my ability as a manger and with this group of players the response I have had has been very positive.
But what I can't do is force Congress to do the right thing.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
But what I can't do is ask middle-class families, ask seniors, ask students to bear the entire burden of deficit reduction when we know we've got a bunch of tax loopholes that are benefiting the well-off and the well-connected, aren't contributing to growth, aren't contributing to our economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
"I can't make much comment but what I do know is he is very happy at Burnley, " said Stewart.
"I just need to take a little more thought on how I do it and what is going to be the best way to do it, but I can do anything that I used to be able to do, " he added.
I'm a real Scotland fan and I want to see them do well but I can hardly condone what we saw in Cardiff.
But I love this language we have and what it can do, and aside from that I think the themes in his plays are always relevant.
But I'm not gonna get all worked up about what I can't do anything about.
Generally I've been quite successful in what I do, but you can't win every time.
If there had been any doubts over my form - and I had not been told there were until Tuesday - it would have been a good opportunity to show people what I can do, but it was not meant to be.
"I can't tell you what I'm going to do, but I have to do something, " he said.
" Mr. McCrea tersely responds: "They can do what they want but I will not let that limit my review of the transaction in the future.
But what we can do -- what the legislation that I'm about to sign has done for nearly 20 years -- is honor the courage that he and his family showed.
But that has not been determined yet, but I think, in short hand, what I'm trying to say is that we can't do two appropriation bills in one year.
But I can tell you what they are not likely to do under the current rules: bring that cash back home.
FORBES: Election Fallout: Will Tech Cash Piles Remain Trapped Overseas?
So I really try not to focus on me, but him, and what he is going through and what I can do to help him, so.
"I don't want to answer by yes or no, but what I can say is that obviously Darcy has a job to do and for him to be able to do that, in my case and in guys that have these kind of lists, for them to be able to listen, he needs to know, " Pominville said.
We are now thinking and seeing what we can do with that, but it is not true that I already bought the whole supply.
"I think with any laws of many countries, there are restrictions in terms of law what you can or can't do, but outside of that I think people are very open to discussion, " she says.
But I think we need to sit down and say what can we do to actually drive this forward and open it up to small businesses and give them the ability to get finance and grow the business.
BBC: Northern Ireland's business angels who act like dragons
None of these matters is an excuse for what you did to Tia, but they are matters which I can, and do, take into account in fixing the minimum term.
BBC: Sentencing remarks on Stuart Hazell from Mr Justice Nicol
"It is worrying times for everybody, but once matters are resolved permanently I think everybody can start focusing on what we do as a football club, " added Coleman.
Maybe I've become too cynical watching what universities try to do to students between matriculation and graduation, but I can't help thinking that all of these trends--including the sad passings of places like Albiani's Cafeteria and the Patisserie Francaise--are somehow interconnected.
When I look at Hannah and Jake, and the many other children suffering from mitochondrial disease, I do not see what they can't do, but what they have already done.
CNN: Genetic disease: Mother hopes for cure for dying children
But there's a lot more that we can do, and that's what I've come to Home Depot to talk about.