By implication, of course, that s a prescription for restrained inflation and an end to rate increases.
She faced "threats by implication" to their marriage if she did not sign, she added.
He had filled in my name and he was, by implication, threatening our marriage.
Now, it's being guilty by implication at the moment, not necessarily guilty at all.
They refuse to risk a repeat of the 1920s and, by implication, the 1930s.
They will also be watching Uganda's defence budget carefully and, by implication, Uganda's involvement in Congo.
He also admitted, by implication at least, that his analysts had overestimated Saddam's nuclear progress.
By implication, the regulator thinks the universal service is in no danger provided Consignia gets its act together.
The most expensive Big Macs are found in Britain, Denmark and Switzerland, which by implication have the most overvalued currencies.
America, by implication, has no choice but to make room for it.
The difference is that the 1979 move targeted money and, by implication, bank reserves, on the liability side of the Fed's balance sheet.
Nor is it against the euro, only against excessively strict budget-deficit rules (and, by implication, against cuts at home to finance bail-outs abroad).
Jeanne Moreau, the doyenne of French film actresses, suggests a more hopeful way of preserving French (and by implication other national) film industries.
Mario Monti even pointed out that Italy and France contributed 40% of the eurozone' s bailout funds and so, by implication, should be listened to.
Ms Pryce has already told the court she faced "threats by implication" to their marriage in 2003 if she did not sign the speeding form.
By implication, any unilateral American action against Saddam would shatter not only the Gulf war coalition but also such support as remains for international sanctions.
And, by implication, a right EV for just about no one.
FORBES: Who Killed The Electric Car? Toyota Now Tries For That Role
It would gain a vital equity stake in European upstream, mid-stream and down-stream plays, which by implication, includes trading activities given physical volumes ultimately impact virtual trades.
This created an opening for Obama, who had been somewhat constrained by his own pledge to be the candidate of "change, " and by implication, not to go negative.
By implication, the closer integration that the EU is supposed to be bringing about seems to be having no discernible impact on the marriage choices of Dutch, Belgian and Spanish citizens.
Start with the point made by implication in Schwab television commercials about traditional brokerage houses: They are loath to let their analysts put out "sell" opinions because they are trying to get underwriting work.
Over-the-top weddings are regularly fawned over by the mass media, with everyone from Chelsea Clinton to Kim Kardashian celebrating their unions with multi-million dollar bashes and, by implication, upping what is expected for all of us.
The anti-Kesri faction in the party, led by Arjun Singh, a former minister, seized on this to attack not just the Gujral government but, by implication, Mr Kesri (who was on cosy terms with Mr Gujral).
On January 27th Mohamed ElBaradei, a former head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, was due to return to Egypt, offering himself as a prospective leader of the opposition and, by implication, as a candidate for the presidency.
The painful truth for Britain is that a Greek default that precipitated big losses on loans to Ireland, Portugal and Spain would be immensely unpleasant for the UK's supersized banks - and, by implication, for British taxpayers too.
Under this view therefore, if a tepid recovery is the best we can hope for, then by implication the scale of spending cuts needed to get the Treasury back into the black is even greater than the OBR suggests.
BBC: Budget 2013: Should the government plough ahead with cuts?
So Mayer, and by implication the entirely new Yahoo board that hired her, made it very clear that if Yahoo was finally going to get serious about turning itself around, it would take years, not months, to accomplish.
FORBES: Yahoo Needs New Investors Who Will Shut Up For The Next Year Or Two
In his guise as an international statesman and peace-broker (and therefore, by implication, very different from Mr Milosevic or Saddam Hussein at his trial in Baghdad), the well-spoken and worldly Mr Taylor has been offering full co-operation with the court.
By implication, this means that partners in a partnership may alternatively agree between themselves that: If the partnership ever dissolves, the partners can just take their business and go without paying anything back to the firm or the old partners.
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