The IT department has been completely bypassed in the area of marketing automation technologies.
Congress was similarly bypassed in October 2011 when the administration deployed military advisers to Uganda.
Before I go on, I need to fess up to why I bypassed Christie's.
Consequently the bankruptcies of huge companies such as Enron and WorldCom largely bypassed the small banks.
ECONOMIST: Hard times have been good to America's smaller banks
If the difference in weight matches one particular amino acid, gene-sequencing can be bypassed altogether.
As Sheen has bypassed the media and connected with us directly on Twitter, he has been reenergized.
Read is looking for opportunities that AMD bypassed in its scramble to counter Intel in PCs and servers.
They claim that Google bypassed Safari's security settings to install cookies which tracked their movements on the internet.
It's not that he bypassed - I mean, he all but bypassed Iowa.
This time he bypassed the desk where the emergency room nurses sat and pushed through the doors behind them.
Unlike states that began as British colonies with some representative government, democracy bypassed Louisiana under French and Spanish rule.
His series of short videos, available for free on YouTube, have bypassed the viewership for many brand-name schools combined.
He was visiting a project providing computer literacy classes for slum children, some of those who've been bypassed by globalisation.
But the construction of a new highway which bypassed the town caused economic stagnation, making life tough for local people.
Cynics suggest that Congress is only doing away with Glass-Steagall now because it has already been well and truly bypassed.
Congress was similarly bypassed in 2011 and 2013 when the administration deployed military advisers to Uganda and Jordan, respectively.
The truck stop was successful enough to send me to college before Interstate 95 bypassed it and drained off its business.
The village of Elveden will be bypassed and its distinctive war memorial will be preserved on a site between the carriageways.
BBC: A11 dual carriageway in Suffolk and Norfolk to be completed
U.S. and European regulators are now investigating how Google bypassed the privacy settings of millions of users of Apple Inc.
Similarly, with Virgin Mobile, he bypassed physical networks and deployed the Virgin name in joint ventures to offer packages customers understood.
And the next long-range effort bypassed the visiting stopper completely as Drummond's sixth of the season gave Morecambe the lead in style.
Not least, it distracts people from the question of why eight years of economic expansion have largely bypassed these parts of America.
Now, furthermore, you suggest, he bypassed without the permission of the DCI.
But by attacking in a nontraditional way, the team of Billy Lau, Yeongjin Jang and Chengyu Song say, those defenses can be bypassed.
American hedge fund billionaire Steven Cohen bypassed the auction circuit to snap up the year's priciest piece of art via a private sale.
Yet the foreclosure crisis has by and large bypassed Iowa and New Hampshire, both of which have foreclosure rates substantially below the national average.
The money pretty much dried up when an interstate highway bypassed the truck stop, but he kept working to make a go of it.
While prosperous Portland is the centre of a high-tech boom, that boom has bypassed poorer rural communities reeling from downturns in logging and agriculture.
ECONOMIST: And, despite ever-expanding waistlines, it is not alone
If they do surge forward, should military leaders order fresh coalition forces to secure the villages and bridges that the 3rd Infantry elements bypassed?
Four villages in Suffolk must be bypassed to take anticipated growth in traffic due to the construction of a nuclear power station, a report says.
BBC: Suffolk County Council report calls for villages bypass