If Mr Caballero is right, America is also less vulnerable to a sudden run on its securities.
On Thursday, Bloomberg News reported that Mr. Caballero had raised concerns about the antenna to Mr. Jobs.
Antonio Caballero's father, Carlos Caballero, was a former Colombian senator, political party leader and ambassador to the United Nations.
Caballero's lawsuit comes amid renewed peace talks between the Colombian government and FARC rebels, who have been meeting in Havana, Cuba.
Rogelio Martinez Caballero, a director at Bicentennial Park, says much planning has gone into preparing for the arrival of the pope.
In 2000, Spanish national Lewis Knight, also known as Luis Caballero, fled the UK before he was due to stand trial.
Yolanda Caballero of Colombia broke off from the pack and gapped the field by more than 30 seconds at the halfway point.
Caballero "has suffered and continues to suffer emotional, psychological and economic damages" since rebel forces kidnapped, tortured and killed his father, the lawsuit says.
Adding up the net effect of job destruction and creation, Messrs Caballero and Hammour conclude that the pace of restructuring actually falls during a recession.
However, the youngster, more accustomed to central defence, looked out of place in the middle of the park and was given a torrid time by Fabian Caballero.
That is a thesis explored by Ricardo Caballero and Emmanuel Farhi of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas of the University of California, Berkeley.
Etoile goalkeeper Aymen Balbouli frustrated the CONCACAF champions throughout and produced some fine saves to stop Gabriel Caballero's diving header and Marvin Cabrera's fierce shot in the first half.
Dundee came closer in the 69th minute when Gavin Rae played a one-two with Fabian Caballero inside Perugia's area and made Kalac dive to his left to hold the shot.
According to the lawsuit, Carlos Caballero was targeted because of his political positions against the rebel groups and because property he owned could be used to facilitate drug production and transport.
In China, Mr Caballero argues, this is done indirectly through the state, which buys foreign securities, such as Treasuries, then issues bonds of its own, which are held by Chinese banks, companies and households.
Five minutes after the halftime break Messi delivered a beautiful pass over the Malaga defense -- which has conceded the fewest goals of any of La Liga's 20 clubs this season -- for Cesc Fabregas to apply a calm finish past Willy Caballero.
The lawsuit was filed in Florida's Miami-Dade County Circuit Court because of the groups' alleged drug trafficking activities in the state, and because Antonio Caballero lives there now and returning to Colombia to file a claim "would place his life in extreme peril, " the complaint says.