There is a pile of work to be done, calibrating results, to make the rules workable.
After the unit had finished calibrating, it was instantly able to pick out wherever we pointed our eyes.
ENGADGET: 'Talking Places' is the Google Glass of tour guides, we go hands-on (video)
In this demographic and cultural scene, politics is more than ever a matter of finely calibrating a religious-secular balance.
ECONOMIST: Another row between the religious and the secular in Israel
Calibrating the cameras to produce good-looking stills and video is more difficult than pulling off a glasses-free display, he said.
But calibrating one satellite against another allows all sort of errors to be compensated for, whether they are known or not.
The 140-year record (1868 to 2008) of Thames water quality was assembled by drawing together and cross-calibrating at least six different data sets.
In that context, corporate executives throughout the world are watching the Taco Bell case and calibrating its potential impact on their own strategies.
This is the vision we are calibrating toward, and is the single biggest reason why we made the decision to sell Atlas to Facebook.
FORBES: Facebook Finally Pulls Trigger, Buys Atlas Ad Server From Microsoft (*Updated With Comment)
After calibrating the device to establish a baseline of the Click presenter's emotional state, Mr Kirke then played footage that diverged from its expected narrative.
A. had overstepped its authority in calibrating standards for ozone emissions.
It compared scores of 13-year-olds in maths and science tests, calibrating the scores so that a mark of 500 was equal to the international average.
Weinberger's principles remind us that the situation in Syria is difficult for the United States because calibrating means and ends in the maelstrom is easier said than done.
CNN: Before taking on Syria, U.S. should heed lesson of the past
He spent time as a submarine sailor for the U.S. Navy, calibrating tools as a metrologist, also as a musician and a screenwriter before becoming a novelist at age 57.
Even as it vastly improves the defenses of gulf states, though, the administration is carefully calibrating Middle East arms sales to assure they do not impair the future defense of Israel.
FORBES: Obama Makes Arms Sales A Key Tool Of U.S. Foreign Policy
By using an entirely different planet-hunting approach, it should be able to plug this gap, and provide a means of calibrating the census figures resulting from the radial-velocity and astrometric searches.
Calibrating your business to respond instantly to changing consumer tastes, rapidly delivering products to fill immediate needs, simultaneously serving the market better while reducing inventory carrying costs, is an extremely compelling business case.
If the central banks were properly calibrating liquidity to maintain parity between the statutory gold price and the market gold price of the dollar and euro, then the trade at the gold windows would remain inert.
In February this year Mark Swain of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and his colleagues reported that they had developed a new technique for calibrating data arriving at ordinary ground-based telescopes, allowing them to identify the components of an extrasolar atmosphere.
ECONOMIST: Is it time for a new approach to finding extraterrestrials?
Sneeze and they need re-calibrating.
FORBES: The Air Force Is Working On A Holographic Quantum Computer
Seat belts could, in the 100 milliseconds of a crash, avoid breaking an old lady's ribs by calibrating how much force to apply to a body after gathering sensor data on the car's speed and deceleration and the weight and position of the occupant.