Generations of marine turtles can not be wrong - the beach here is simply divine.
We can not afford the overhead associated with the administration of 27 separate payroll systems.
Just because someone's a prisoner doesn't mean they can not refuse to have treatment.
It is a charge that can not hold up even under the most glancing scrutiny.
Lots of banks have failed and the surviving banks can not replace their lending either.
FORBES: Dimon Speaks Truth On Lending And Subtly Attacks Volcker Rule
Mr Swire added that "the past can not be addressed by focusing solely on one case".
That is a mistake that real investors or traders can not afford to make.
But you can not help but feel that Harrelson has been severely let down.
There can not be that many cases of non-payment, or this treatment would have sunk already.
Again Dimon responded by saying the trades were too risky and that can not defend them.
FORBES: Jamie Dimon's Testimony: Volcker Rule May Have Prevented Loss
We can not seek job creation and bash job creators at the same time.
We can not win the race against the machines any more than John Henry did.
Why not put these people on Vascepa if they can not tolerate current Statins?
About the performance of the two lineup, I can not even imagine from a slim body.
The hard reality is that Mommy and Daddy can not protect them from everything.
For example, the legislation mandated that child-only health policies can not be priced using medical underwriting.
Atrocities are committed by those who can not deal with their emotions in a positive way.
This financial regulation bill can not be modified after being agreed to in conference last Thursday.
Competitive threats can not be ignored even though they may not be very apparent right now.
FORBES: LinkedIn's Growth Is Highly Overvalued And Competitive Risks Ignored
Congress can not choose to fund one to the detriment of the other without both suffering.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Army and its Future Combat Systems in Jeopardy
These influences create a false market that can not correct itself in price and quality.
For example, in a music textbook, you can not only play pieces but also see the notes.
FORBES: Inkling: Changing the Textbook Industry -- with the iPad
And if they can not do all the babysitting they want themselves, just get a professional babysitter.
Under Fifa regulations a player can not play for more than two permanent clubs in a season.
We know now that we can not wall ourselves off from issues that are challenging our neighbors.
In the Eye Effect menu, users can not only change eye color, but make eyes appear bigger.
ENGADGET: Olympus Stylus TG-625 Tough adds AF light for tricky shots in rough situations
Consumers can not only draw power from the grid, but can feed power into it as well.
Now he can not only podcast, but also listen to radio stations from all over the world.
But do these business customers really care if they can not find their favorite soap at Costco?
FORBES: Costco Competes With Amazon Quite Successfully Even Without Sales Tax