So far, the audience has no idea whether or not this character can stand up to pressure or will go to pieces.
Disney and DreamWorks are smartly releasing the film on a quiet holiday weekend where it can stand out and not get lost in the sea of summer or winter blockbusters.
You're not alone if you can't stand the regular requests from Facebook friends to hide a cache of weapons or to hold hot merchandise for them in Mafia Wars.
The two parts of "The Assembled Parties" can stand alone, but few patrons will not want to see what eventually happened to the folks in Act 1.
In terms of lobbyists, I can stand here unequivocally and say that there has not been an administration who was tougher on making sure that lobbyists weren't participating in the administration than any administration that's come before us.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
His book's title, What Can Chief Executives Learn From Stand-Up Comedians? is not exactly a thigh-slapper.
Analytics can pinpoint not only where top performers are located but what makes them stand out from their peers around the world.
We need to make sure our communication of the core brand idea is not only reinforced in the store, but that it can stand alone in the store.
FORBES: What Chrysler, Eminem Have In Common With P&G's Olay, Crest and Gain Detergent
Having said he will not stand in next year's election, Mr Zapatero can take more bullets.
Ixil Mayas, she said, can teach other oppressed groups around the world to stand by their rights and not to rest until tyrants are punished by law.
This stuff may not stand up to scientific experiment, but a clever fortune-teller can make people think that he can see around corners.
At a cyclocross race, you can stand in one place, drink your beer, shake your cowbell (that's not a euphemism I mean a real cowbell) and watch the whole thing unfold since a lot of the course will be visible.
In short, the arguments put forward in the TASC study contending that the B-2 line can be closed without significant adverse impact on the Nation's future ability to produce bombers do not stand up to rigorous scrutiny in a world in which the United States must maintain a large and flexible bomber force and do so within severe budgetary constraints.
How can I carry out my mandate to empower women to stand up to abusive husbands, if I dare not stand up to a system that abuses the individual with impunity?
After all, race is not a scientific concept that can be unequivocally confirmed with a DNA test or any other objective measure that could stand up to judicial scrutiny.
The reason my tech trade association and other business groups take a stand not just for highly skilled immigration reform, but legal immigration broadly, is that it can never be predicted which student or immigrant harbors the idea for the next game changing innovation.
If the general synod votes in favour of having women bishops in November, he will have to stand up to the bullies and say, we can accommodate those who disagree - but we are not going to allow them to subvert the primary legislation.
If the unions are not willing to stand by the bargains they made, and the support that was given, how can we expect any better from an employer such as Walmart who also supported the law and now seeks to subvert the intentions of healthcare reform?
As things currently stand, if benefits are not paid as agreed or they are flat-out denied, you can sue the insurer for bad faith, which is something they do not take lightly given the treble damages and other punitive damages they might incur.
Either as a performer or as a punter, there is a uniqueness about the High street and The Pleasance which just seem rightly placed in this historic city for entertainment, not to mention all the other wee venues, where a stand up comic or a jazz sax player can play to one or twenty.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Tiaras and tantrums at Edinburgh Fringe