But he says that he sees Mr Ozawa as a radical reformer who can build bridges with opposition parties, such as the LDP.
ECONOMIST: Japan��s leadership challenge
As Mr Blair's all-but-anointed successor, Mr Brown is now doing his utmost to portray himself as an ardent public service reformer who can also be relied upon always to put security before airy-fairy worries about civil liberties.
Mr Kim Young Sam, too, can claim to be a reformer, ending the use of fictitious names in financial transactions, a change that has enabled the present government to probe the campaign-finance scandal.
ECONOMIST: South Korea
On the positive side, Mr Bush can claim to be a genuine reformer in the vital matter of education.
ECONOMIST: Is he ready? | The
Because hydrogen can clean the exhaust right from a cold engine start, the plasma reformer method is 20% to 50% more efficient at reducing NOx than other clean-diesel technologies, allowing less unburned fuel to pass through in the process.
FORBES: Clearing the Air
Lord McNally described himself to peers as a "legal reformer" and said he tried to make progress "where I can".
BBC: Legal Aid Bill part two
It is sad to see a once-energetic reformer like John Engler playing such base, destructive politics with kids who need every break they can get to escape the cycle of poverty.
FORBES: Fact and Comment