It was the candour as much as the result that made it stick in my mind.
In fairness, Mr McCain's lower grade may in part reflect greater candour about his weaknesses.
And his blunt candour, which made him such a bad politician, makes him a lively observer.
She also had more complex reasons which, with her usual candour, she didn't hide.
In a moment of candour the EU Economics Commissioner, Olli Rehn, said "there is no magic bullet".
By admitting the affair, he won points for candour, and he has promised to pay child support.
That recklessness, Mr Bartlett argues with a candour that few other conservatives can muster, will inevitably lead to higher taxes.
At the IPCC, Mr Schneider's deepest commitment was to candour about uncertainties and the role played by subjective expert judgment.
Jim Allister, of Traditional Unionist Voice, said the issues raised in the programme must be addressed "with utter transparency and candour".
This "duty of candour" announced by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt requires hospitals to be honest with families when errors are made.
"I'm your friend... but in all candour you shock me with your statement, " said Senator Ernest Hollings, a South Carolina Democrat.
The NHS Confederation says a lack of candour over funding is damaging as the public may resist a service being cut.
He also had the good sense to prize artistic candour over flattery.
That offer was later withdrawn (Ford officials telling him, with attractive candour, that they sold a lot of tractors to dairy farmers).
Enter the paparazzi photo, which gives us the candour of an unguarded moment: our world-famous posers before they have time to pose.
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But Don Redding, policy director of the patient group National Voices, felt the changes would make a difference, particularly the duty of candour.
Mr Blair impresses by candour and by daring to straddle the hostile camps into which British politics was divided when ideology waxed more strongly.
His answer is a greater transparency, a "duty of candour", and an emphasis on compassion at the heart of the so-called "caring services", especially nursing.
BBC: Will Francis report rebuild trust in Stafford Hospital?
It's a candour which, the pollsters tell him, many voters like.
Conservative peer Lord Faulks agreed there were advantages to a boost in candour but raised questions as to what impact the proposed legal duty would have.
But the bewildering thing is Mr Blair's candour in acknowledging that so much of this conservatism is to be found on the left rather than the right.
It would like Germans to choose between friendship and candour.
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And although he intersperses candour with tact, assuring us that the young Saudi princes are smarter and more durable than we tend to think, frankness wins out in the end.
In their report, the MPs also called for "more candour" from the Scottish government about what people in Scotland would lose and what it could realistically deliver, in foreign policy terms.
The committee also wants healthcare providers to be more open and adhere to a "duty of candour", which requires them to publish information about the complaints they receive and the progress they make.
And, of course, last week the public inquiry into the Stafford Hospital failings recommended a duty of candour to get staff to be open about mistakes, while with-holding information from regulators should become a criminal offence.
Writing in the Financial Times, Howard Davies and David Green call for more candour from Europe's politicians, explaining why in a monetary union responsibility for debt has to be shared, or why purely national budgets cannot continue.
Earl Howe said the government wanted to choose a route that has the best chance of working, which is why its preferred option was to place a duty of candour in the NHS standard contract rather than in the bill itself.