Cannily, he keeps Mark Isham's score in his back pocket, and reaches for it sparingly.
Because Sony cannily included a Blu-ray player in its latest video-game console, PlayStation 3.
The scheme also cannily manipulated Google's algorithm to drive more users to the malware-hosting sites.
As leader of Croatia's independence movement, he cannily pitched his appeal to Croats of left and right.
Rothbury coach, Jason Davidson, wrestled cannily throughout, taking his time but striking hard when he saw a chance.
Since then they have used it to invest cannily in many companies, including ones in oil and energy, broadcasting and telecommunications.
Those opposed to the deal, such as Charles Schumer (Democrat--New York) and Lindsey Graham (Republican--South Carolina), cannily positioned the debate that way.
The Democrats cannily nominated their own progressive candidate, Woodrow Wilson, and he won the election in a landslide against the divided Republicans.
Cover art was drawn by Jean Phillipe Delhomme of The Unknown Hipster, a blog that wittily and cannily chronicles the idiosyncrasies of the fashion world.
FORBES: Luxe Read: City Style - A Field Guide to Global Fashion Capitals
Labour were duly hammered at the ballot box - Plaid Cymru in particular cannily putting up candidates standing on tickets such as "Plaid Cymru - Save Llandudno Hospital".
Both Labour and the Tories are cannily playing down expectations.
The best thing in the film is the cannily crafted soundtrack, which is filled with audio clips from television, suggesting pop-culture circuses that not only amuse and distract the people but also corrupt them.
And to a surprising degree, it is women -- not men -- who are perpetuating the culture, especially in school, cannily manipulating it to make space for their success, always keeping their own ends in mind.
By contrast, those who refuse to stoop to sanitised corporatese may cannily use their gaffes to burnish popular, straight-talking personas - as US Vice President Joe Biden and London Mayor Boris Johnson have managed to do.
The example we saw was a simple radio with a a pair of dials and a speaker, and when the iPad's camera was pointed at it, a circular interface along with a menu system popped up that cannily tracked the radio.
The Villa keeper then got lucky when he advanced outside his area and his attempt to chest the ball down fell to Fuller, only for Laursen to cannily fence the Jamaican into a tight shooting angle which saw him fire into the side-netting.
In this environment, a world apart from the early frontier days of the Internet, hackers today universally exhibit a certain mercenary sensibility, cannily juggling multiple offers, playing judge in hustler beauty contests at hackathons, planning acqui-hire trajectories, and in general maximizing their value as the stewards of the new body of technical knowledge.
Maybe the new crop of female Senators and the record number of female committee heads will spark an uptick in political aspirations among college-age women, or maybe the next generation of female leaders has cannily surmised that the path to power is more apt to run through the C-suite than the halls of Congress.
FORBES: Why Are Young Women Running Away From Politics Instead Of Running For Office?
TechShop's overseers have, quite cannily, begun to offer up a portion of the warehouse's 17, 000 square feet as office space, giving its members a shot at some prime San Francisco real estate, a flight of stairs up from an impressive array of machine tools -- laser cutters, water jets and more 3D printers than most mortals have seen in one place.