Now he says he may support them, if exceptions are built in for those who cannot afford to buy it.
ECONOMIST: Barack Obama tries to sell health-care reform to doctors
The Greek pension system is so broken that it cannot afford to buy new bonds to bail out the Greek government.
FORBES: Why The Lessons Of New York City's Debt Crisis Won't Help Greece
If Americans cannot afford to buy Japanese products, it makes no sense for the Japanese to continue selling them to us.
Though Ashok jokes that Afghans consider vegetarians "people who cannot afford to buy lamb, " the cuisine actually offers a variety of good meatless dishes.
The two are a near-perfect fit, but Hershey cannot afford to buy Cadbury, and Cadbury cannot buy Hershey without the approval of the trust that controls the firm.
Because they cannot afford to buy or rent a house in the Valley, many workers have little choice but to commute, in many cases for two hours each way.
Private farmers cannot afford to buy pesticides and fertilisers.
It is hidden within this wrenching time of healthcare reform, where many doctors are selling their practices to work for someone else, because they cannot afford to buy the required electronic medical record systems.
However, poor farmers frequently cannot afford to buy new seed each season, so they take their chances and replant the best of their seed from year to year in the belief that a new plant that is not quite as good as its parent is better than no plant at all.
This might be seen as ironic in the light of western interest in such things as drug-donation programmes (in which drug companies give away their products in countries which cannot afford to buy them) and vaccine-purchase funds (which guarantee sales to firms that come up with effective new vaccines for poor-world diseases).
In Zambia, say, a poor person is defined as someone who cannot afford to buy at least two to three plates of nshima (a kind of porridge), a sweet potato, a few spoonfuls of oil, a handful of groundnuts and a couple of teaspoons of sugar each day, plus a banana and a chicken twice a week.
In emerging countries never have new middle and upper class households grown so fast, even though the average household similarly cannot remotely afford to buy a house in a major city like Shanghai.
FORBES: Greatest Real Estate Bubble In Modern History Not Done Bursting
You either choose not to buy coverage or cannot afford coverage.
It is critical to bear in mind, too, that these deficits are not a result of the government trying to buy something it cannot otherwise afford (as would be the case for you or me).
But this cannot go on indefinitely and eventually consumers can either afford to buy no more or they must default.
FORBES: The Great Recession: How We Got Here (and How to Get Out)
You typically cannot afford to spend time with prospects that are not ready to buy.
Government subsidized mortgages continue to encourage people to buy and live in houses they cannot afford in the first place.
FORBES: How to Solve the US Long-term Debt Problem: Rebalance the Roles of Markets and Government
The new owners could be stuck with a property which they cannot afford to put right and which no one else wants to buy.
In short, universal care, mandates and fees on business to help pay for it has not made companies close shop, or caused residents to buy into a program they cannot really afford.
After all, when people cannot afford food, we do not give them a card that allows them to buy food only at grocery stores willing to sell to them at deeply discounted prices.