These satellites will add the capacity for both 1500 local HD channels and 150 national HD channels.
With a superior capacity for memory, human societies evolved steadily through cumulative cultural adaptation.
People have a strong capacity for self-deception, which greatly impacts how they gauge risk.
Corsetti also said that the DC-9 didn't have life raft capacity for all those aboard.
Much has been written about the capacity for government to drive innovation with public contests.
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As China keeps adding higher-cost capacity for bauxite and alumina, Alumina becomes relatively lower cost still.
The capacity for our emotional thinking to change and adoption is real, but often slow.
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Similarly, the optical components industry has suffered from over-capacity for years, depressing profitability and returns.
The processes I have developed here channel and grow the capacity for human agency.
Bill is a first-rate editor with an enormous capacity for taking on increased responsibility.
But American voters react badly to such open displays of verbal intelligence and capacity for meta-reasoning.
Equally, it would have retained capacity for small-scale missions and important interventions in areas of crisis.
Micron announced an SSD with almost 1 TB storage capacity for consumer (client) applications.
At present, only Philadelphia, Boston, and Minnesota average at least full capacity for their home games.
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Fittingly, there's still room to grow: The plant was built with the capacity for future expansion.
Our capacity for meaningful change is contingent on understanding the nature of the problem.
More capacity for flat-screen panels is also expected to become available later this year.
So the capacity for bipartisan support for this kind of immigration reform, comprehensive reform, exists.
For 30 years, my colleagues and I have helped leaders increase their capacity for influencing change.
Carr is most concerned about the way the Internet breaks down our capacity for reflective thought.
The second development is that the Internet has created the unprecedented capacity for mass collaboration.
What you want to know about the applicant is whether they have the capacity for commitment.
His capacity for equations is not matched by a capacity for working easily with others.
True, he takes good care of his health and his capacity for hard work seems unimpaired.
Pretty soon, America will be home to 40 percent of global manufacturing capacity for these advanced batteries.
Older people have a greater capacity for empathy because empathy is learned and refined as we age.
CNN: The aging brain: Why getting older just might be awesome
But a pairing with the CDU would stretch the Greens' capacity for creative inconsistency to the limit.
They speak to not only our shared human fallibility but also our capacity for endurance and courage.
In fact, Mr Barak, political neophyte that he is, underestimated the Knesset's own capacity for cynical conduct.
Some of these positions will be occupied by people in an acting capacity for the next year.