• He rounded Cape Horn almost certain to win if he headed north back to Europe.

    ECONOMIST: The hubris of racers today

  • These guys, the 785m or so people between Alaska and Cape Horn, have a hemisphere all to themselves.

    ECONOMIST: Political geography needs some new terms

  • The Panama Canal is a bottleneck, and shipping around Cape Horn is expensive.

    FORBES: Energy Outlook 2009

  • Alternatively, you can sail round forbidding Cape Horn, renowned for its violent weather, and held in awe by sailors for centuries.

    ECONOMIST: Icebergs ahoy | The

  • They skirt Antarctica and dreaded icebergs to New Zealand, before setting off to round the notoriously dangerous Cape Horn enroute to Brazil.

    BBC: Richards heads round globe

  • Weary of being targets for every pirate in the Caribbean, Spain decided from then on to ship its New World plunder the long way around, via Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America.

    BBC: In search of pirates in Panama

  • But they're also among the rarest raptors in the world, with an estimated population of about a thousand pairs, most of which are probably in the Falklands, where on nearly inaccessible islands near Cape Horn.

    NPR: Bird Sounds Recorded from Far Afield

  • The voyage took the boat in an easterly direction around the globe, leaving the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin and Cape Horn to the left before finishing across the same line as they started from.

    BBC: Orange breaks Jules Verne

  • Storm systems were moving in from either side, but there was a lull between them that let us barrel through at a considerable average speed of 11 knots, returning so far ahead of schedule that the captain detoured to give us a view of Cape Horn.

    FORBES: Go with the Floe

  • This reinforced the Americans' desire to build and control a canal across the isthmus of Panama, so that their ships could move between the Atlantic and the Pacific without going all the way round Cape Horn (as the American battleship Oregon had to do during the war).


  • "It will be towed around (Cape) Horn to Puget Sound, Washington, " Maus said.

    CNN: USS Enterprise sailing off to history's scrap heap

  • We have thus far, to my knowledge, not seen disruptions in, for instance in the Suez, which obviously is tremendously important to the movement of goods around the Cape of Good Horn.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefings

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