One idea being mooted is for bailout money to be directed toward boosting the capital of Spain's shaky banks, though a spokesman for the European Commission insisted Thursday that there are no plans for providing such support.
But Chaguaramas, the federation's putative capital just outside Port of Spain in Trinidad, can boast only a few marinas and a dirty beach.
It is not the intention of European policy makers that capital controls would form part of resolving banks, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands are all in the process of resolving banks with no capital controls.
Sophia Basilica and in Cordoba, Spain, the capital of the occupying Moors' Muslim kingdom.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center says ��No�� to ��Shariah Beachhead�� at Ground Zero
In other words, the Mayor seemingly is indifferent to whether the funding for the mosque sponsored by the Cordoba Initiative (named for the capital city of the Moorish conquerors of Spain and the site where they triumphally transformed a Catholic church into a massive mosque) might be the Saudis, with their version of Shariah known as Wahhabism.
These are euros owed to the Bundesbank by the central banks of the economies where there has been the greatest capital flight, names those of Greece, Italy and Spain.
Last September 11, an estimated 1.5 million people -- 20% of Catalonia's population -- filled the streets of Barcelona, the Catalan capital and Spain's second-largest city, demanding independence.
CNN: Catalan parliament declaration pushes self-determination
After all this, if you are worrying that British banks don't look as robust as you might like, I would direct your attention to Thursday's publication of how much capital Spanish banks may need to raise, as per the assessment of consultants hired by Spain's government.
And the Moorish Ummayad dynasty in Spain, made the city of Cordoba its capital, and installed an immense mosque on the site of an ancient Christian church there.
For what it's worth, about 10 days ago I said on the Ten O'Clock News that Spanish banks may need around 85bn euros of additional capital, including the 23.5bn already requested by Spain's fourth biggest bank, Bankia.
Previous small bomb attacks on bank buildings in the Catalan capital have been linked to Spain's outlawed Marxist group GRAPO, or The First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Group.
It was to be expected that Spain and some of the individual banks would attempt to minimize calls for more capital.
"Stock options in Spain are taxed at an absurd rate, " says Marcel Rafart of VCs Nauta Capital.
Only in Spain and Italy of the 22 countries surveyed do a clear majority of people favour free capital movements.