They are senior in the capital structure and are trading at a significant discount to parity.
"EFH's capital structure is untenable, " says Carl Blake, analyst at bond research firm Gimme Credit.
And the capital structure that is right for 1975 isn't necessarily right for 1985 or 1989.
It is senior in the capital structure to equities, and for that reason can be safer.
Executives from the two companies will meet weekly to discuss strategy, capital structure, projects, and investments.
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Overhauling GM's capital structure is the priority, but the government wants other changes, too.
This latest reduction will leave the capital structure with an implied equity cushion of 50%, sources said.
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Here's an actual example of how changing a capital structure can increase the value of a business.
Those that created a capital structure that matched their business risk have survived and positioned themselves for future success.
There is no junior debt in the capital structure, and that highlights another party fighting for business: mezzanine providers.
Leverage was present both within the structure of the CDO and within the capital structure of many of the buyers.
Scheinrock is actually a CPA with extensive experience in international financial markets, corporate finance, capital structure, acquisitions and strategic investments.
They should vary the capital structure as their businesses change and markets prefer debt or equity, or a interest rates fluctuate.
Debt supercycles and blowouts manufactured by the Federal Reserve were not factors in capital structure consideration or economic life at all.
In fact, risk in capital structure should vary inversely with business risk.
With our new conservative capital structure those bonds will sell at par.
Investments in people, investments in capital structure, in plants, or other factories?
Encourage instead the issuance of securities that automatically adjust capital structure when financial distress becomes relevant, such as cocobonds with a market trigger.
If you want matters even more under thumb, create a tiered capital structure, in which there might be regular shares and "super-voting" shares.
If listed, the company will first be delisted and taken private in order to allow either its capital structure or its operations to be restructured.
Three steel companies was more than any capital structure could stand.
"We're emerging with a more rational capital structure, " Mr. Lissy said.
By taking on additional leverage in an LBO, a PE fund could unleash value and make the capital structure of the company they take private more efficient.
"For GM, the scary ride is just beginning, and much has to still go right, " said Glenn Reynolds, a capital structure analyst at CreditSights, in a report.
Their dividends are variable, their cash flows less certain and therefore an equity risk premium should exist which compensates stockholders for their junior position in the capital structure.
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In a volatile atmosphere like the present you should think of capital structure as a variable that can greatly influence the success or failure of a business enterprise.
Since September, the average debt multiple through second-lien is a hefty 5.4x, versus 5.1x earlier in the year, with little debt cushion further down in the capital structure.
Of the four, Amgen was willing to help Tularik straighten out its capital structure by buying out a major investor who had lost interest, notes the Deloitte report.
We all take risks-on people, on business, on capital structure.
Comerica said it believes it is uniquely positioned as the only bank in its peer group to have redeemed TARP and eliminated trust preferred securities from its capital structure.