Last month, says Yemen's government, its navy intercepted an arms-carrying Iranian vessel.
The vessel is carrying 77, 000 tons of iron ore from Canada to China, he said.
The supply vessel was carrying 45, 000 litres of red diesel and 78, 000 litres of lubricating oil on board.
Ed stopped his crying and suddenly shivered, as if a nameless vessel, carrying his own corpse, had just passed.
The vessel was carrying more than 4, 200 people, including 3, 100 passengers, and conditions became unsanitary as human waste overflowed into public spaces on the ship.
The vessel was carrying nearly three times its recommended limit of 74 passengers, including many indigenous tribal palm oil and timber workers returning to their home villages for a harvest festival holiday, said Bakar Sibau, a district police chief in Malaysia's Sarawak state.
In the Mediterranean Sea, an Israeli patrol vessel struck a boat carrying medical volunteers and supplies to Gaza early Tuesday as it attempted to intercept the vessel, witnesses and Israeli officials said.
The vessel, which was carrying food aid, was seized by the four pirates in April 2009.
The pirates have taken the vessel, which was carrying coal from South Africa to India, to the Somali port of Hobyo.
The case for putting anti-missile defenses into place was underscored by this sobering fact: A ship like the North Korean vessel that was covertly carrying Scud B missiles and forcibly intercepted in the Arabian Sea last week could be steaming off the coast of the United States at this very moment.
Patients are injected with the drug, and then have a catheter carrying an optical fibre threaded into the vessel to be treated.
Morrell told reporters that while the United States is "interested" in the Kang Nam -- a North Korean-flagged vessel believed by officials to be carrying weapons or illegal technology -- no decision has been made to stop the ship and search it.
CNN: U.S. dismisses latest missile provocation by North Korea
For the moment, though, European and American security experts are more interested in another matter: what cargo a Russian vessel, Arctic Sea, was carrying when it vanished in closely monitored European waters, why a journalist who alerted the world to its disappearance had to flee Russia and why Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, paid an urgent and secret visit to Moscow just a few days later.
Borge Nakken, who is in charge of technology and development at Farstad, expects Far Solitaire to use about 40% less fuel than a conventional vessel of the same size that is carrying out similar tasks.