• Tanzania's exports are dominated by products whose price is weak - coffee, tea, cashew nuts and cotton.

    BBC: Tanzania: Reforms under pressure

  • Coups can be a lucrative business, and although its main export is cashew nuts, Guinea-Bissau offers tempting opportunities.

    ECONOMIST: A small country upholds an unfortunate tradition

  • The farmers are using SAP smart phone apps to get access to farmer information, cashew buying and loading and market information.

    FORBES: Nut Farmers in Ghana Crack into Mobile Technology

  • Bolyard's cooking classes (in a lavish Viking demo kitchen) are quite popular, and his Caesar salad with cashew croutons was truly memorable.

    FORBES: The Pennsylvania Touch

  • The country's vital cashew nut crop provides a modest living for most of Guinea-Bissau's farmers and is the main source of foreign exchange.

    BBC: Guinea-Bissau profile

  • Can cashew croutons and organic beer make it in the Poconos?

    FORBES: The Pennsylvania Touch

  • Farmers have long complained about the instability of the prices paid for their cashew nut crops - as it fluctuates from season to season, he says.

    BBC: Tanzania riots over cashew nut payments

  • Thousands of small-scale cashew nut farmers in Tanzania - who usually begin to harvest in October - sell their crops to co-operative societies at an agreed price.

    BBC: Tanzania riots over cashew nut payments

  • The body of Hang Serei Oudom was found on 11 September in the boot of his car at a cashew nut plantation in the northern Ratanakiri province.


  • Olam International got its start 19 years ago when Sunny Verghese set out to sell cashew nuts processed in Nigeria to customers at trading centers in New York and London.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Wow, oh wow - our heads are blown off by pheasant with green peppercorns, river fish in banana leaf with red curry and some remarkable relishes: rose apple with cashew, cured pork with coconut cream.

    BBC: Postcard from Bangkok

  • Later, as Olam moved up the value chain, Verghese set up his own processing plants in India, Vietnam and Brazil, ultimately taking the full cycle of cashew production back to Nigeria as well.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We will then visit Wenchi, in Western Ghana, to see how SAP and the African Cashew initiative (ACi) are supporting small-scale farmers with innovative technology that benefits actors along the entire agricultural value chain.

    FORBES: Nut Farmers in Ghana Crack into Mobile Technology

  • It also sells cashew, coffee and acai juices.

    FORBES: Brand Battle

  • People on the ground can also use a geographical information system that displays farmer contact data, farm size and location, tree inventory and price information, which makes it easier to forecast and optimize cashew collection.

    FORBES: Nut Farmers in Ghana Crack into Mobile Technology

  • Once he started building warehouses upcountry and hiring staff to deal with farmers and village agents, he had another problem: The cashew season lasts only three or four months, and all that infrastructure would sit idle.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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