He used this cave as a bed and a small stone well for his water.
Today, many sassi have been restored and transformed into cosy abodes, restaurants and swish cave-hotels.
Many had assumed that he would cave in at some stage during the long Hillsborough nights.
It was like a bat-cave inside, and was located in the Pearl Continental hotel.
Share price is up, and morale is climbing out of its deep, dark cave.
Their headlamps illuminate soda-straw rock drippings from the ceiling, and rippled flowstone on the cave walls.
Here in New York, the same applies to Howes Cave, Coeymans Hollow, Watkins Glen and Yonkers.
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During better times, in the late 1980s, Paul Cave cooked up the idea of the BridgeClimb.
Wing Andrew Trimble set up Wallace before scoring himself on 57 minutes after Cave's break.
Shepperd said the thermobaric bomb enters a cave and sends out a cloud of explosive particles.
Other curators over the course of the festival's 20-year history have included Morrissey and Nick Cave.
Only after much destruction and suffering could she be enticed out of the cave again.
These group activities satisfy deep cravings that developed during our early evolution in the cave.
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"President Obama signaled that he's going to cave to Russia on missile defense, " Mr. Romney said.
Millions also live in dilapidated old buildings, many of which cave in during rains.
The mansions were often located on a natural cave opening incorporated in the foundation.
Yes, a cave and, yes, the retirement records are stored in 35, 000 metal file cabinets.
Slowly that's changing, but rather like a torch beam picking out features in a darkened cave.
That "created like a cave they could go in and out of, " Pleus said.
Expect BP to cave in and agree to fund an escrow account within a week.
Of all the eyes staring into the cave, among the weariest must have been Gretchen Knief's.
Plato famously used the allegory of the cave to show people the limits of their thinking.
Plato wanted to help people become aware of the cave that constrains their thinking.
The argument worked and Republicans caved on the fiscal cliff, so they would cave again.
The company however has made it clear they aren't going to cave and eliminate the fee.
Sound engineer Olivier Warusfel spends most days sequestered in an audio cave with a computer.
Brown bears did not suffer the same fate as cave bears and have survived until today.
We know, however, that women can resist pressure to cave in to superior forces.
The discovery of 75, 000-year-old Nassarius shell beads at Blombos Cave in South Africa challenged this idea.
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The biggest company cave-in, according to the union leaders, was on the issue of pensions.