Many had assumed that he would cave in at some stage during the long Hillsborough nights.
Millions also live in dilapidated old buildings, many of which cave in during rains.
Expect BP to cave in and agree to fund an escrow account within a week.
We know, however, that women can resist pressure to cave in to superior forces.
The discovery of 75, 000-year-old Nassarius shell beads at Blombos Cave in South Africa challenged this idea.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Study reveals 'oldest jewellery'
If they stood up to Mr Major, there is little doubt who would cave in.
Yes, but why first press so hard for Mr Ortiz's removal, then cave in?
It can cave in, promising to renegotiate existing exclusive contracts and to refrain from signing any more.
The oldest example of a leather shoe has been discovered by archaeologists in a cave in Armenia.
At the moment, German spending seems far more likely to cave in than Club Med spending bouncing back.
But on the previous day he was in Michigan, near a Ford plant, hearing calls to cave in.
Its decision to cave in, and wind down its one remaining business, has made the bank's demise inevitable.
In addition, Ferris has no doubt that AOL will "cave in" to the interoperability demands of other IM vendors.
Two people were rescued from the latest cave in and taken to hospital.
Always attempt to be reasonable, respectful and persistent, but do not cave in.
That does not, however, mean that they think the government should cave in.
Mr Hassan had said that rescuers were having to use traditional tools amid fears that more wells could cave in.
But Leeds refused to be cave in, and restored parity through the irrepressible Smith, whose superb header left Howard floundering.
In reality, what they are trying to do is to make Republicans look so bad that they will cave in.
It was discovered at the Areni-1 cave in the Vayotz Dzor province of Armenia, which borders on Turkey and Iran.
Flutes that were made from bird bone and mammoth ivory were found in a cave in Germany dating back 43, 000 years.
At the same time, he insists that Mr Howard must not cave in to the farmers' campaign to extinguish native title.
ECONOMIST: The aboriginal patterns that haunt Australia | The
But, for the most part, the administration is just crossing its fingers, and hoping that Mr Milosevic will cave in unexpectedly.
But, given the relatively small margin that separates the two sides, analysts expect the government to cave in well before then.
This romantic Greek restaurant (with a cheese cave in the basement) offers gracious service and fresh, simply prepared fish and meat dishes.
FORBES: The Forbes 2008 All-Star Eateries in New York: Three Stars
Here at the Major League Baseball Fan Cave in downtown NYC, the team has just unveiled its space program-inspired Mission Control Center.
If he appeared to cave in, he would lose his position internally.
It could turn out differently, but I suspect the Republicans are either about to cave in or to lose the blame game.
It is easy to see why Oracle has refused to cave in, despite the fact that Sun is continuing to lose business.