It is planning to centralise its cost centres and outsource as many of them as possible.
With or without treaty change, the euro zone is being forced to centralise powers.
Branches are often run almost autonomously, so a merger serves as a convenient excuse to centralise.
Hence, too, a determination to centralise and control decisions that might otherwise chip away at cohesion.
Children's and women's services at Redditch may also be affected under plans to centralise care at Worcester.
But since Indonesia is a big and inefficient country, it has not been possible to centralise back-office operations.
The Welsh Association of Stroke Physicians suggested reducing the number of acute stroke units in order to centralise expertise.
The government wants to centralise the DVLA in Swansea and move more services online by the end of 2013.
Banks are increasingly able to centralise computer systems and to use common platforms.
Norwegian airport operator Avinor is to install Glasgow-based Amor's Chroma technology platform to centralise core operational systems across 45 airports.
The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trust (UHMBT) had been battling against proposals from NHS Lancashire to centralise vascular services.
Games publishers initially resented Microsoft's decision to centralise control of Xbox Live, in which Microsoft acts as a matchmaker between players.
All but one of Cornwall Council's cabinet members voted in favour of the scheme to centralise services including IT support and document management.
The decision to close the site was taken as part of a move to centralise GCHQ's headquarters in one location, making significant savings.
The plan would have seen the council and trust working with a private company to centralise certain services, including IT support and payments.
The BBC's Rana Jawad, in Tripoli, says the first test of the new government will be to successfully centralise Libya's political and military powers.
Meanwhile, outside Opec, Russia's oil and gas bonanza has underwritten efforts by President Vladimir Putin to centralise and even renationalise the country's energy sector.
After all, those learning today of plans to centralise hospital services in North Wales might not be immediately impressed with a brand new centrepiece, Welsh slate or not.
Mr Willis also accused the government of failing to deliver on class sizes, holding back on performance related pay for teachers and proposing to centralise post-16 education.
It doesn't suggest the effort to centralise services is wrong.
Hywel Dda Health Board, which covers mid and west Wales, has approved plans to close minor injury units and centralise other services affecting patients in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.
Changes to the services provided by local health boards have proved to be controversial, with many unhappy in places like Llangollen and Flint with the plans to centralise services.
Then on October 4th he announced plans to centralise the conglomerate, reduce its nine divisions to three and downsize its 11-man executive board, which would truncate the power of the company's regional bosses.
The first is to centralise decision-making.
ECONOMIST: Britain's oldest university wrestles with modernisation
At all banks there is a struggle between head office, which wants to centralise processes, and local staff who are in thrall to the demands of local officials and industrialists and who disobey their branch managers on whom they depend for their promotions at their peril.