In a radio broadcast, he once talked about his desire to see a less centralised Church.
Unlike other currencies, Bitcoins are not issued by a central bank or other centralised authority.
And whatever the doubts, it's worth remembering they are handled in successful de-centralised nations.
Mr Mbeki tried to rebut accusations that he does not tolerate dissent and has centralised power.
The company also said it wants to set up a centralised design team to increase efficiency.
The result of all this will be an industry even more centralised and monopolistic than before.
In that hackneyed phrase, we need a third way between privatisation and centralised state provision.
Although the unions claim to want flexibility, they would hate a real challenge to centralised bargaining.
But in centralised Britain diversity and experimentation in local government are unexpected, and thoroughly welcome.
ECONOMIST: Innovation in government: Britain��s local labs | The
It brought centralised wage bargaining to an end and led to a release of market forces.
ECONOMIST: BY INVITATION: The high road that leads out of the Low Countries | The
It involves a centralised, village-level system with a large solar panel that charges a car battery.
The leading doctor also called for a centralised point where all deaths in Scotland would be registered.
Mr Clegg and Mr Cameron do share an analysis of the British state as over-centralised and bureaucratic.
ECONOMIST: Britain��s third party may soon be much more than that
Users of this network own their data (unlike centralised social networks such as Facebook and eBay).
For in countries smaller and more centralised than the United States, diversity is even harder to achieve.
Since electricity cannot be stored in the same way as oil, no such centralised buffer is possible.
Surrendering sovereignty is hard for any government in France, with its tradition of a powerful centralised state.
The first is centralised liquidity management, enabling cross-border banks to move money between different territories as needs demand.
That pattern met the needs of centralised political control and the policy of import substitution pursued until 1982.
The blatant distribution of pork is also hazardous in Britain, a heavily centralised country with a ferocious press.
ECONOMIST: British distrust for politicians is peculiarly dangerous
"The Lib Dems' centralised, undemocratic vision of Europe belongs to the past, " said shadow foreign secretary William Hague.
If they set clear standards and guidelines, then teams of people can undertake a task without centralised control.
It had planned to build a centralised system in which it would hold identities on behalf of consumers.
Wage flexibility is still hampered by centralised bargaining: Mr Aznar was loth to tackle the unions on that one.
The law foresees a centralised process for hiring, evaluating, promoting and retaining teachers.
Chiapas's new governor will also depend on Mr Fox for money, since government in Mexico is still heavily centralised.
Another indication of greater flexibility is that wage bargaining is becoming less centralised.
West Yorkshire Police have opened a centralised aircraft despatch centre, based in the Bradford area, for the new service.
Coming from the coast himself, he campaigned persuasively against centralised administration (from highland Quito), and the traditional political class.
They argue for replacing centralised control over the police with contracts spelling out what people can expect of local coppers.