The key ingredient is said to improve skin by setting off an elaborate chain reaction.
They got tangled up, setting off a dangerous chain reaction that ensnared several vehicles.
They got tangled up, setting off a dangerous chain reaction that ensnared a number of vehicles.
Friedland describes the growing use of personal technology in public spaces as a chain reaction.
And when trading partners start to pull away, a rapid chain reaction can begin.
The uncontrolled chain reaction ran on for nearly 20 hours before it was finally stopped.
Christian Gross's unhappy tenure at Tottenham Hotspur ended shortly afterwards, touching off a chain reaction through out the Premiership.
When I turn on a light switch, I can imagine the chain reaction.
Caplan says the ordinance set off a protracted civil-rights chain reaction that perhaps even Milk may not have anticipated.
Ms. Dewey-Hagborg amplifies small DNA strands using a technique called PCR polymerase chain reaction.
The virus' genetic code was uncovered with one of the most common tests in biology, the polymerase chain reaction, or PCR.
It's a sequence of events, an inexorable chain reaction where each small link is fundamental, like a snake of upended dominoes.
This is intended to help regulators spot so-called "systemic risk", or the building of a potential chain reaction of failed investments.
Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) uses nanoscaled fluorescent probes that allow the tracking of the progress of the amplification from the start.
Explosives experts said the fertilizer wasn't the right grade and the fireworks weren't powerful enough to set off the intended chain reaction.
The short circuit resulted in a thermal runaway -- a chemical chain reaction -- in cell six, which spread to adjacent cells.
That triggered a chain reaction, and rookie Kyle Larson hit the cars in front of him and went airborne into the fence.
It was in a University of Chicago squash court that Enrico Fermi set off the first controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942.
"You just saw, " Perez belted out, "a successful Rube Goldberg chain reaction!"
Blocking substance P triggers a molecular chain reaction that boosts levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, apparently much more selectively than Prozac does.
In Japan in 1999, an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction at a uranium-reprocessing plant killed two employees and spewed radioactive neutrons over the countryside.
Well, it set off quite a chain reaction in the blogosphere, with many publications and bloggers offering their own take on the issues.
Ouchi and his colleagues had just set off the one thing that nuclear workers fear most - a spontaneous, uncontained nuclear chain reaction.
At this point, the speech is destined for failure, and it all started as a chain reaction triggered by not using natural hand gestures.
It was in July last year that Bangkok devalued the baht, setting off a chain reaction that has Southeast Asian currencies in free fall.
The bee-research team went on to confirm via polymerase chain reaction that hives with colony collapse disorder were far more likely to have IAPV.
The velocity that the parts would go to would make them missiles that would start targeting a chain reaction this would not be good.
Although uranium-238 cannot be made to undergo a continuous chain reaction, firing neutrons at it causes some atoms to split, producing a burst of heat.
It is more likely that a sudden, unanticipated shock created by either the markets or political actors before June 17 causes an unstoppable chain reaction.
One voice can start a chain reaction that changes the world.
FORBES: Reinhart and Rogoff; and The Dangers of Tipping Points, Real and Otherwise