The media landscape has changed beyond recognition since the adoption, twenty years ago, of the Windhoek Declaration on press freedom.
The world economy may have changed beyond recognition since 1944, but to a true disciple the same policies make sense.
As for the economics of treatment, they have changed beyond recognition.
Married with a daughter, his life has changed beyond recognition.
Chris says computers have changed beyond recognition since he taught himself to code on a Sinclair Spectrum - but he sounds a note of caution for would-be professional coders.
Today, once past the most fastidious stewards in the business, spectators are treated to a venue which, though it has changed beyond recognition over the years, has lost none of its ability to charm and distract.
It states that while our obligation to protect the British people and the British national interest is fixed and unwavering, the nature of the threats and the risks we face have - in recent decades - changed beyond recognition and confound all the old assumptions about national defence and international security.
Above ground, Moscow has changed almost beyond recognition, but in Bunker 42, there is still the fleeting scent of another era.
However, the business world has changed almost beyond recognition over the last 30 years, and the time has come to redefine what excellence means.
China has changed almost beyond recognition over the past 20-25 years.
"In 10 years the wireless landscape will have changed beyond all recognition, with the traditional terminal disappearing and alternatives such as wearable devices coming in, " Da Silva said.
Fifty years later the European Economic Community has changed out of all recognition, having metamorphosed into the European Union and grown far beyond the original six members.