In response, Mr Fox said Mr Cable's characterisation of his views was "not very constructive nor very accurate".
BBC: Budget 2013: Liam Fox urges spending freeze and tax cuts
Yet it is hard to see how you can read Job without finding its characterisation of God worrying.
During the debate, the home secretary's characterisation of the protesters was challenged by other members of the panel.
And he rejects an Associated Press journalist's characterisation of the gesture as "risque".
But Lawrence White, an economist at George Mason University in Washington, DC, argues that this is an unfair characterisation.
And he rejects the opposition's characterisation of the new president as lacking substance.
In the US, National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said "the characterisation of Zionism as a crime against humanity... is offensive and wrong".
BBC: Israel condemns Zionism comments by Turkey's PM Erdogan
His second book, which again nods to Joseph Conrad, is accomplished and menacing, a seat-of-the-pants plot given breadth by bold characterisation and sense of place.
ECONOMIST: New fiction: Wanderings of a drugstore ship | The
In the past Donner has been an outspoken critic of Hollywood's reliance upon CGI, which he holds responsible for the overshadowing of good characterisation and storytelling.
Me Perle defended Mr Bush, "the characterisation of the Bush administration is fundamentally wrong", he urged, "he was not a cowboy, he was not trigger happy".
She says the defining characterisation of the animals in the 20th Century was framed by Kenneth Graham's classic The Wind in the Willows with its gruff, wise, brave Badger.
BBC: Badgers: Splitting public opinion for more than 200 years
"Shakespeare is known as the first playwright with deep, distinctive characterisation and I believe he developed this because of his relationships with the company's principal actors, " says Dr van Es.
They will be looking back at the molecular characterisation of the tumours in a number of common cancers stored at the Wales Cancer Bank to discover "molecular fingerprints", known as biomarkers.
Starting without a script, he spends vast amounts of time with his casts, using their experiences as the basis for improvisation, bypassing the writer altogether and creating plot and characterisation as he goes.
One of the key presentations at the conference was given by Dr Giovanna Tinetti who's leading the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory, or EChO, mission recently selected for further development by the European Space Agency.
Aquatic colloid science and engineering is currently undergoing a period of rapid development, driven by the emergence of a range of new and complementary techniques for the separation, fractionation and characterisation of colloidal material.
But while Austen's sharp prose, ironic wit and vivid characterisation are all key to her appeal, Robens believes that it is the romantic entanglements of her strong-willed heroines that draw so many to the books.
They share a fetal, larval quality, and that characterisation is not just conceptual, but a reflection of a new paradigm of the automobile that's still struggling to be born, as a design historian Phil Patton put it.
If that is correct, 83% of those who do not pay income tax don't really fit Mr Romney's characterisation, except in so far as his argument is that people who don't pay income tax aren't impressed by promises of income tax cuts.
Lord Henley did not accept that characterisation, saying it was "a bit rich" for Labour to accuse the government of poor standards on border security as some of the failures acknowledged in Mrs May's statement "were failures of the party opposite when in government".
It aims to establish a platform for exchange of knowledge with respect to methods for characterisation of colloidal and particulate matter in these systems and to cover the technological aspects of particulate matter in different water treatment processes such as drinking water, wastewater and landfill polluted waters.
Roberto Scandiuzzi, a basso nobile who has made the 1881 role of the outraged father Jacopo Fiesco very much his own, was fascinated to see the earlier version staged, but would not wish to sing it because of the higher tessitura of the original scoring, and the less sympathetic emphasis of the characterisation.
Moreover, judging by this indictment, prosecutors could have brought similar charges against any number of other bosses from the 1990s: at the heart of almost all of the hundreds of private shareholder suits filed in America recently lies a similarly sketchy characterisation of what went on in the executive suite during the great boom.