• President Obama has, to this point, been somewhat cagey about the decision the White House has been happy to characterize as having been made without his input by Attorney General Holder.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: War courts for war criminals

  • Mr. Taleb is fascinated by the rare but pivotal events that characterize life in the power-law world.

    WSJ: Shattering the Bell Curve

  • On the other, it will level the playing field by ensuring that American entrepreneurs are handicapped by the same impediments to innovation that characterize non-U.S. patent systems.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will the GOP Pull a 'Pelosi' on Patent Rights?

  • Mr. JOHN NEGROPONTE (U.S. Deputy Secretary of State): I would characterize our policy as desirous of resolving any issues we have with Iran by peaceful means.

    NPR: Senators Urge Effort to Engage Iran

  • Rejected once, and then again, by business schools at Stanford and Harvard, Scott McNealy practiced the perseverance that would characterize his career.

    WSJ: When Success Follows the College Rejection Letter

  • He'll characterize the students' projects as "really cool, " and he'll call out some lucky winners by name while speaking to the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics ( STEM) education in the United States.


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